History has been made!
HUGE NEWS FROM AMERICA. With the decriminalization of ALL DRUGS, all non-violent drug offenders will be released from prison, leaving plenty of space for the real criminals... This will in turn save billions on housing drug users that don't need to be locked away, but instead just need therapy, hope, and love. Locking people away for what they choose to put in their bodies is a crime against humanity. As long as you aren't harming someone else, I don't see why it's anyone else's business. Am I right? Not to mention the fact that the United States has the highest prison population in the world, even beating china with nearly 4 times the amount of people.
Something is clearly wrong, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. The prison system is a PRIVATE for profit system, not designed to rehabilitate, but to profit off desperate people. The way I see it, only violent criminals should be locked up for "rehabilitation" and even then they still need therapy. It's not natural to hate or be violent, it's clearly a lack of education, opportunity, and love.
But more back to the point of this story and that is, ALL DRUGS ARE NOW DECRIMINALIZED IN AMERICA!!! Just joking, APRIL FOOLS. Sorry to get your hopes up, but I'm sure by now you get the point of this article. Not only is it a clever way to get your attention to raise awareness, but it's also a tasteful April fools prank. Hopefully this article will be true one day soon, just like Portugal did and dramatically lowered their crime rate/ incarceration rate. All it takes is a simple look at how they run things, and even a few other cities around the world to see that locking people up for what they choose to do with their own bodies isn't helping anyone but a small handful of bankers and profiteers.
Many are against this whole idea because they feel like the world would get all chaotic and they couldn't continue their lives as normal, but the truth is much more simple. The people that want to do drugs are already doing them, and no law has or ever will stop them. I've never heard anyone say, "nah dude, I'm not going to do drugs, because they are illegal..." They usually choose to not do them because of the health implications or they don't enjoy them. Don't lie, we've all tried at least one illegal drug in our lifetime and you would be a liar if you denied it.
I say each to their own, decriminalize drugs and let people get on with their lives without the threat of imprisonment for exploring their minds. What a crazy time to be alive. The fluoride is obviously working on many of you, because no matter what is said or how many countries decriminalize drugs with extremely positive results, there will still be tons of people out there thinking it will bring Satan to Earth to feast on our souls. I prefer a more logical approach. I know that laws never stopped anyone from taking drugs, and I also know how many lives have been completely ruined for simply experimenting with their own minds.
We live in truly shameful days when a person is restricted from nature, especially cannabis, with it's thousands of uses and healing properties. I'm glad that at least medical cannabis is slowing making it's way towards full legalization. It does give me some hope for humanity. If you're one of the ones that pushed for it being legal I applaud your efforts and encourage you to continue to fight for what you believe in. We hope we haven't offended to many people with this misleading title, but if we're going to do it, today is most certainly the right day. Feel free to copy and paste this to your blog or website if you own one. It would be a great service to humanity to start walking down this path together.
Please don't forget to share this if you agree.
Thanks for reading.