Best 20 Hand Picked Traditional Ways Of Removing Unwanted Facial Hair
Unwanted facial and body hair is embarrassing—especially for women. It may not be detrimental to your health, but it can damage self-confidence. Hair on the face, feet, hands, chest, and back often results from post-pregnancy hormonal changes and hormonal imbalances caused by irregular menstrual cycles. It’s also a side effect of certain medications.
You’re about to learn how to get rid of unwanted hair without waxing and plucking, and without spending tons of money on laser treatments and electrolysis. The following at-home hair removal techniques are easy, natural, inexpensive, and free of side effects. And most importantly, they’re effective. Let’s get started!
Method 1: Raw Papaya
Papaya removes hair and exfoliates skin while its natural enzyme, papain, breaks down hair follicles and restricts hair growth. This remedy works for all skin types, including extremely sensitive skin.Process 1: Papaya & Turmeric
Tools & Ingredients
- Raw Papaya
- Turmeric Powder
- Peeler
- Grinder
- Peel and slice your raw papaya.
- Grind a few slices to make a pulp.
- Stir ½ teaspoon turmeric powder into 1-2 tablespoons papaya pulp.
- Apply the mixture to unwanted hair.
- Massage for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with water.
- Repeat 1-2 times weekly.
Process 2: Papaya, Turmeric, Mustard Oil & Aloe Vera
Tools & Ingredients
- ¼ tablespoon papaya powder (or 1 tablespoon papaya paste)
- ¼ tablespoon turmeric powder
- ¼ tablespoon gram flour
- 4 tablespoons Aloe Vera gel
- 2 tablespoons mustard oil
- 2 drops any essential oil (lavender, peppermint, etc.)
- Olive oil or moisturizer
- Clean, dry cloth
- In a bowl, mix papaya powder (or paste), turmeric powder, gram flour, Aloe Vera gel, mustard oil, and your choice of essential oil to make a paste.
- Apply the paste to unwanted hair, spreading it in the opposite direction of hair growth.
- Leave on 15-20 minutes or until dry.
- Remove paste by rubbing with clean, dry towel in the opposite direction of hair growth.
- Wash the area with water and pat dry.
- Massage the area with olive oil or moisturizer for a few minutes.
- Repeat 3-4 times weekly for at least 3 months.
Method 2: Chickpea Flour Mask
Chickpea flour removes unwanted hair and prevents future growth.Tools & Ingredients
- ½ cup chickpea flour
- 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
- 1 teaspoon fresh cream
- ½ cup milk
- lukewarm water
- bowl
- In a bowl, mix chickpea flour, turmeric powder, cream, and milk to form a paste.
- Apply to affected area in the direction of hair growth.
- Leave on 30-40 minutes.
- Using your fingers, rub gently in the opposite direction of hair growth. If the mask has dried, wet your fingers first.
- Wash with lukewarm water.
- Repeat frequently to discourage hair growth.
Method 3: Turmeric
When mixed with water, milk, or yogurt, turmeric removes hair and prevents re-growth. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that keep skin clear and healthy.
Process 1: Turmeric & Rosewater
Tools & Ingredients
- Turmeric powder
- Rosewater (or plain water or milk)
- Warm water
- Add rosewater, plain water, or milk to turmeric powder and stir to make a fine paste.
- Apply to unwanted hair and leave on for 15-30 minutes or until dry.
- Wash off with warm water and pat dry.
- Repeat frequently until you achieve the desired results.
- Note: this method works well on areas with less hair. To remove thicker, denser hair, add gram flour, yogurt, rice flour, or ground oats.
Process 2: Turmeric & Sesame Oil
Tools & Ingredients
- Turmeric Powder
- Whole wheat flour
- Sesame oil
- Mix sesame oil into equal parts turmeric powder and whole wheat flour to make a paste.
- Apply to unwanted hair and leave on 30 minutes.
- Scrub gently as you wash it off.
- Repeat once weekly.
Method 4: Egg Mask for Facial Hair
This method requires some care, as egg white masks are very sticky
and pulling one off is slightly painful. But it effectively removes
unwanted hair along with other skin impurities.Tools & Ingredients
- 1 egg
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- ½ tablespoon corn flour
- bowl
- Crack your egg into a bowl and remove the yolk.
- Add sugar and corn flour and stir to make a paste.
- Apply to face and let dry 15-20 minutes.
- Peel the mask off slowly and carefully.
- Repeat 3-4 times weekly.
Method 5: Sugar-Lemon Mix for Facial Hair
Sugar exfoliates the skin while lemon juice acts as an astringent and natural bleaching agent. This method is perfect for lightening and removing unwanted facial hair, but it can also be used on other body parts.Tools & Ingredients
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 2 teaspoons lemon juice
- 10 tablespoons water
- Bowl
- In a bowl, mix sugar, lemon juice, and water, stirring until the sugar dissolves.
- Apply to face in the direction of hair growth.
- Leave on 15-20 minutes, then wash off with water, rubbing gently.
- Repeat 2-3 times weekly for several weeks.
Method 6: White Pepper & Camphor for Leg Hair Removal
White pepper and camphor cause a burning sensation when used on sensitive skin, but don’t worry, this just means it’s working. Some may recommend using kerosene with this method, but don’t do it. Kerosene is highly flammable even in small amounts, and it damages skin instead of repairing it.
Tools & Ingredients
- 2 tablespoons white pepper
- 2 tablespoons camphor
- Almond oil
- Grind white pepper into a fine powder.
- Mix equal parts white pepper powder and camphor.
- Add a few drops of almond oil.
- Apply to legs and leave on 15-20 minutes.
- Watch hair disappear as you carefully wash the mask off.
- Repeat any time you want to remove leg hair.
Method 7: Potato & Lentil
Potato contains natural bleaching agents. Combined with yellow lentil (moong daal), it lightens and effectively removes hair from any area of the body.
Tools & Ingredients
- 1 potato
- Yellow Lentils
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 4 tablespoons lemon juice
- Bowl
- Sieve or cloth
- Soak yellow lentils in water overnight.
- The following morning, remove water and grind lentils into a paste.
- Peel and mash your potato.
- Place mashed potato in sieve or cloth and press with hands or spoon to extract juice.
- Stir yellow lentil paste, honey, and fresh-squeezed lemon juice into potato juice to make a paste.
- Apply to unwanted hair and leave on 15-30 minutes or until dry.
- Rub the mask off with your fingers to remove hair.
- Repeat regularly.
Method 8: Sugar, Lemon & Honey for Arm & Leg Hair removal
When mixed with honey, sugar and lemon juice make an effective hair removal wax. Just like a salon wax, this process can be slightly painful.
Tools & Ingredients
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- Water
- Cornstarch or plain flour
- Spatula or butter knife
- Cloth or waxing strip
- Heat-safe vessel
- Mix Honey, sugar, and lemon juice.
- Heat on the stove or in the microwave for 3 minutes to create a smooth paste.
- If the paste is too thick, add water.
- Let it cool to slightly warm.
- Dust unwanted hair with cornstarch or plain flour.
- Using spatula or butter knife, spread warm paste over cornstarch in the direction of hair growth.
- Cover with cloth or waxing strip, press to stick, and pull off in the opposite direction of hair growth.
- Repeat anytime you want hairless skin.
Method 9: Banana & Oatmeal Scrub
Oatmeal and banana are both excellent natural cleansers. Banana leaves skin soft and supple while oatmeal exfoliates.
Tools & Ingredients
- 1 Banana
- 1-2 teaspoons oatmeal
- Bowl
- In a bowl, mash a ripe banana into a paste, then stir in oatmeal.
- To apply, massage into unwanted hair for 15-20 minutes using circular motions.
- Wash off with water.
- Repeat twice weekly.
Method 10: Alum & Rosewater
Women in India have been using alum for centuries to remove hair from their faces, hands, and legs. It comes in rock or powder form. Rosewater softens the skin, giving it a healthy glow.
Tools & Ingredients
- ½ teaspoon alum powder
- 2-4 tablespoons rosewater
- Sesame or olive oil
- Dry towel
- Bowl
- In a bowl, mix alum and rosewater to make a paste.
- Use a cotton ball to apply the paste to unwanted hair.
- Allow it to dry, then apply another layer.
- Apply layer after layer for 50-60 minutes (15 minutes for sensitive skin).
- Wash off with water and pat dry.
- Moisturize with a few drops of sesame or olive oil.
- Repeat 2-4 times weekly until hair is gone.
Method 11: Basil & Onion
Basil and onions are both effective hair removal treatments, and when combined, they leave skin healthy and radiant.
Tools & Ingredients
- 2 onions
- 10-12 basil leaves
- Remove the thin, transparent membranes from between the onion’s layers.
- In a bowl, crush your basil leaves and onion membranes together to create a paste.
- Apply to unwanted hair and leave on 15-25 minutes.
- Wash off with water.
- Repeat 3-4 times weekly for at least a month to remove hair from root to tip.
Method 12: Sugar-Molasses Wax
The magnesium in molasses helps balance hormones in order to discourage excessive hair growth over time, and when mixed with sugar, it acts as a depilatory wax that removes unwanted hair.
Tools & Ingredients
- 1 cup sugar
- Juice of ½ lemon
- Molasses or dark corn syrup
- Microwave safe container
- Cloth or waxing strip
- Place sugar in microwave safe container, drizzle molasses or syrup over it, and let it stand 2-3 minutes.
- Heat in microwave for 2-3 minutes or until the sugar completely dissolves.
- Stir in fresh-squeezed lemon juice.
- If the mixture needs further blending, microwave it longer.
- Let the mixture stand until it is warm.
- Apply to unwanted hair and cover with cloth or waxing strip.
- Pull strip off in opposite direction of hair growth.
- Repeat as needed.
Method 13: Safflower & Thanaka
In Myanmar, people turn the bark of the Thanaka tree into a yellowish-white powder and use it for a variety of cosmetic purposes. Safflower (kusuma) oil cleanses and moisturizes skin, leaving it soft and smooth. Together, these two ingredients remove hair by acting as a natural growth inhibitor.
Tools & Ingredients
- Safflower oil
- Thanaka powder
- Mix safflower oil with thanaka powder to create a fine paste.
- Before bed, apply it to areas with unwanted hair.
- Leave on overnight and wash off with water in the morning.
- Repeat nightly for 3 months until unwanted hair disappears.
Method 14: Blackstrap Molasses
Loss of hair and growth of unwanted hair are often caused by mineral deficiencies. Blackstrap molasses is rich in iron and other minerals which regulate hair growth, gradually slowing and stopping the growth of unwanted hair over time.
Tools & Ingredients
- 2 heaping teaspoons blackstrap molasses
- Consume blackstrap molasses daily to get rid of unwanted hair anywhere on the body.
- If you are diabetic, or if you’re taking iron supplements, consult a doctor before using this method.
Method 15: Spearmint Tea
When the body overproduces androgens (male hormones) such as testosterone and Hirsutism, hair follicles are over-stimulated and you end up with unwanted hair. Spearmint tea balances hormones and returns androgens to optimum levels.
Tools & Ingredients
- 5-6 spearmint leaves (or 1 teaspoon dried spearmint)
- 1 cup boiling water
- Teapot
- Strainer
- Cup
- Place spearmint in teapot.
- Pour in boiling water and let steep 5-7 minutes.
- Strain tea into cup and drink.
- Drink 1-2 times daily.
Method 16: Green Gram Flour & Rosewater
When combined, green gram flour and rosewater cleanse the skin and remove hair through exfoliation. This method is perfect for sensitive and acne-prone skin.
Tools & Ingredients
- 2 tablespoons green gram flour
- 1-2 tablespoons rosewater
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- Bowl
- In a bowl, mix green gram flour, rosewater, and lemon juice to create a paste.
- Apply to unwanted hair and leave on 20-30 minutes.
- Wash off with water and pat dry.
- Repeat 3-4 times weekly until unwanted hair is gone.
Method 17: Turmeric & Indian Nettle
Indian nettle has anthelmintic, expectorant, anti-microbial, emetic, anodyne, and anti-parasitic properties. It is used to treat a variety of medical conditions, including pneumonia, asthma, rheumatism, wounds, and bedsores. When mixed with turmeric, is a very effective method for hair removal.
Tools & Ingredients
- Neem or Indian Lilac Leaves
- 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
- Water
- Crush Indian Lilac leaves into a fine powder and combine with turmeric powder.
- Add water to create a paste, but make sure it’s not thin and runny.
- Apply to unwanted hair, let dry, and leave on for a few minutes.
- Peel the mask off.
- Repeat regularly for smooth, hairless skin.
Method 18: Lemon Juice & Honey
Lemon juice cleanses and exfoliates skin and bleaches hair. Honey moisturizes skin and softens hair, sticking to it so it pulls out more easily. Lemon and honey also have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that prevent irritation and breakouts.Tools & Ingredients
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 4 tablespoons honey
- Lukewarm water
- Washcloth
- In a cup, combine lemon juice and honey.
- Apply to unwanted hair and leave on 15-20 minutes.
- Remove with washcloth soaked in lukewarm water.
- Repeat twice weekly for a few months or until hair is gone.
Method 19: Lentil Face Pack
Red lentils, or masoor dal, make a facial scrub that’s rough as pumice stone. It creates a friction that cleanses and smooths skin while softening and removing unwanted hair.Tools & Ingredients
- ½ cup red lentils
- Milk
- Honey
- Grinder
- Airtight container
- Grind red lentils into a powder.
- Add 2 tablespoons of the powder to milk or honey to make a paste (store extra paste in airtight container).
- Let stand 15-20 minutes.
- Apply to face and scrub gently.
- Leave on 15-20 minutes.
- Wash off with water.
- Repeat 2-3 times weekly (only once weekly for dry skin).
- Optional: add rosewater, dried orange peel powder, sandalwood powder, or potato juice to improve skin tone.
Method 20: Foods Rich in Phytoestrogens
Unwanted hair appears when a hormone imbalance causes an increase in male hormones like testosterone and a decrease in female hormones like estrogen. Phytoestrogen is a plant hormone similar to the female hormone oestrogen. It balances hormones and stops the growth of unwanted hair.
Flaxseeds, licorice, alfalfa, brahmi herb, gotu kala, fennel, and soy products like soy milk and tofu, are all rich in phytoestrogen, and there are many ways to incorporate them into your daily diet. Drink them as herbal teas, add flaxseed powder to gravies and yogurts, or chew fennel seeds after meals. Consuming soy products regularly gives your body the protein it needs while stopping excessive hair growth.
Use the following tips to increase the effectiveness of the above hair removal methods.- Be patient.
- Use a several of these methods daily or at least 3-4 times weekly.
- Eat fruits and vegetables and drink enough water to stay hydrated.
- Before using hair removal treatments, steam skin to open pores.
- A healthy diet and exercise will regulate hormones and prevent unwanted hair growth.
- After using hair removal treatments, wash the area to remove lose hair.
- Get plenty of sleep and reduce stress with activities like mediation and yoga.
If excessive hair growth on the face or body is accompanied by increased muscle mass, deepening of the voice, or decreased breast size, consult a healthcare professional to get a proper diagnosis for serious underlying medical conditions.
Remember, at-home remedies may take a little longer, but they remove hair without damaging sensitive skin or causing side effects like the chemical-laden products available in stores. They are easy to prepare, easy to use, and inexpensive.
Have you tried any of these natural hair removal methods? Do you know of other methods we haven’t mentioned. Share your experience with us!
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By Home Remedies for Life