One of the world's largest corporations, the multi billion dollar giant Wal Mart is closing 269 stores, including 154 in the U.S. The other big chunk is in Brazil.
Monsanto similarly, sometimes called the world's most evil corporation, has been reporting losses at extraordinary rates and, again, anyone with common sense knows that this is due to public protest and outrage. Other major corporations, such as Nestle are also reporting losses and feeling the power of the people too.
One of the world's largest corporations, the multi billion dollar giant Wal Mart is closing 269 stores, including 154 in the U.S. The other big chunk is in Brazil.
The store closures will start at the end of this month (January 2016) and look like they should be continuing over time. The question is, what is inspiring these closures?
CEO Doug
McMillon claims this is due to the competitiveness of the market, but considering that people are becoming more disillusioned in larger numbers than ever before in known history, we cannot naively imagine that this is not a significant factor.
The concern now, is people that are losing their jobs. But the truth is, as human beings we cannot become so dependent on corporations which is likened to a type of sophisticated slavery. We are not using our creative capabilities to follow our hearts and do something meaningful with our lives. We are not living life anymore, we are simply existing and these jobs are similar to a hamster running on a wheel — it leads to no where — and only serves to actually strengthen the corporation.
We need to start brainstorming on how we can create more opportunities for people that create independence from the system and not dependence.
If you can see through the illusion then you are the solution. Get involved, life was never meant to be a spectator's sport.
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