Your Blood Type Reveals Much About Your Health

Women with blood type A are more fertile, but have a greater risk of stomach cancer, the group 0 is protected against heart attack, but not against high blood pressure, and the group B carries the highest risk of pancreatic cancer.

Blood groups are divided into four groups: A, B, AB and 0 and two Rh factors, plus and minus, and we inherit these from our parents. The research on the importance of blood groups health has long been scientifically underestimated because of the malicious Nazi scientist Dr.
Otto Rehe who claimed that the group A is typical of full-blood Aryans, while people with blood type B are inferior to Aryans. However, many modern studies show coincidence of certain blood groups with certain diseases, but also the advantages each group brings.
Blood Group A – fertile, but prone to drinking
Members of this blood type have a higher risk of occurrence of cancer of the stomach. The number of eggs- cells of women from this group is less reduced with time, so they are more likely to be able to get pregnant in older age.
However, women with blood type A have a higher risk of stomach cancer, especially if they smoke and if they drink alcoholic beverages frequently. There are certain links between blood type A and propensity to alcoholism, but also to obsessive compulsive disorders.
Blood type B – a higher risk of ulcers, but better metabolism
People belonging to this blood type have a higher risk of getting pancreatic cancer. Also, they have a higher risk of memory problems, as well as dementia and Alzheimer’s in older years. Moreover, they are more prone to ulcers and infections, but they have a faster metabolism, build muscle easier and better respond to physical exercise.
Blood group 0 – lower risk of heart attack and reduced fertility
People with this blood type have a quarter lower risk of heart attack and stomach cancer. They have a higher risk of getting stomach ulcers caused by bacteria Helicobacter pylori and men with this blood type are prone to obesity. Women members of this blood group are twice more likely to have fewer and poorer quality of eggs, and therefore their fertility level is lower. The good thing is that those with blood group 0 are more resistant to stress – after traumatic events, their level of the stress hormone cortisol falls the fastest.
Blood group AB – prone to a heart attack, but with better vision
Women with this blood type have a higher risk of ovarian cancer, and pregnant women with this blood type have a higher risk of developing high blood pressure – preeclampsia. Members of this group are more likely to experience a heart disease and stroke, as well as digestive problems such as chronic gastritis, Crohn’s disease …
However, studies show that after a traumatic event, the cortisol levels remain stable for long, making them less resistant to stress. But they are less prone to vision problems.

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