Since the introduction of GMO crops to the marketplace in 1994, the USDA and the FDA have stated unequivocally that GMOs are safe. They have touted biotech talking points such as GMOs are necessary to “feed the world” and will save lives. Over the last 20 years, independent scientists have courageously exposed serious threats against human health and the environment these poorly regulated and widely untested crops pose. However, any scientist who calls into question the safety of these products or in any way threatens biotech’s bottom line is bullied, discredited, fired, etc.
To determine the truth and support the demand for an immediate ban on GMOs, an independent investigation was recently conducted by Dr. Gary Null, PhD. Here are a few reasons to ban GMOs NOW!
1. 91% of Americans demand GMO labeling. 
2. GMO giant Monsanto has a history of producing highly dangerous chemical compounds including DDT, Agent Orange, saccharin, and recombinant bovine growth hormone, all of which are known to cause significant health issues.
3. In September 2015, Russia completely banned the production of food using GMOs. This came after the country undertook independent scientific research of the GMO issue.
4. Monsanto has launched smear campaigns against GMO labeling advocates, organic farmers, anti-GMO organizations, and made threats of lawsuits against state governments and media outlets for even suggesting mandatory labeling. For example, supporters of GMOs pressured Reuters to fire veteran journalist Carey Gillam for reporting fairly on GMOs.
5. A study published in the Turkish Journal of Biology in December 2014, associates GM corn and soy consumption with several health complications in rats including DNA damage, abnormal sperm, blood changes, and damage to liver, kidney, and testes.
6. Because research demonstrates that DNA fragments from GM foods can enter the human bloodstream. Considering that the health risks posed by GM foods are still not well understood, this finding is especially troubling.
7. The Grocery Manufacturer’s Association (GMA) has spent tens of millions of dollars in lobbying efforts to keep Americans from knowing if their food contains GMOs. In an apparent attempt to undermine the democratic process, this group has sued the state of Vermont in 2014 after it became the first state to require GMO labeling.
8. Glyphosate (Roundup), the widely used pesticide that Monsanto’s GM seeds (Roundup Ready Crops) are created to withstand, has been shown to be a probable carcinogen.
9. Industry studies found statistically significant skeletal and/or visceral abnormalities as well as reduced viability and increase in spontaneous abortions in rats and rabbits exposed to high doses of glyphosate. Lower doses were later shown to cause dilated hearts. The EC dismissed all the findings.
10. Glyphosate residues do not break down as quickly or completely but end up poisoning our soil, rainwater and air, accordingly to official government research.
11. Glyphosate exposure has been linked with birth defects.
12. Oversight on pesticide use may be hampered by serious conflicts of interest. In October 2015, the Washington Post reported that entomologist Jonathan Lungren blew the whistle on his superiors at the USDA for attempting to block his research conclusions showing that pesticides are particularly lethal to key pollinators such as bees and butterflies.
13. Simply handling bioengineered cotton crops caused Indian farmers to develop a range of frightening symptoms, which included, according to one report “allergic reactions in various body parts which included hands, feet, face, eyes and nose, with some having fallen seriously ill.
14. More than a decade of documentation shows that Argentinean agricultural workers who were exposed to glyphosate had developed medical conditions including skin rashes, infertility, cancer and respiratory issues.
Time is running out on this issue! Contact your senators today to let them know that we want all GMO foods to be labeled, if not removed from the shelves completely, until they are proven to be safe for consumption. Demand congressional hearings on this issue during which qualified independent scientists will be given an opportunity to present the evidence proving GMOs to be harmful. We will not stand for poison!
For a full list of 44 reasons to ban GMOs, please visit Progressive Radio Network.Thanks for taking the time to read this article. If you found this information helpful, please share it with your friends and family. Your support in our endeavor of sharing free information would be much appreciated.
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