The human body is a beautifully complex machine designed for survival. Rather than running like a set of independent systems that oversee different parts of the body, your body functions as one cohesive unit. Health issues or deficiencies in one part of the body can have long-lasting effects on every other part of your anatomy.
Your thyroid is a perfect example. This tiny gland takes up barely any space in your body, and yet it is responsible for many of the most important processes in every bodily system. Your thyroid regulates your metabolism, body temperature, growth, appetite, muscle strength, and reproductive health.
An excess or deficiency of thyroid hormone can wreak havoc on your health, leading to many unexpected vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Keep reading to learn about five vitamins and minerals that you may be deficient in if you have thyroid issues.
Americans are notorious for having mineral deficiencies, due to the way that our produce is grown and the chemicals it is exposed to during the growing process. Selenium is a crucial part of thyroid health, aiding in the conversion of T3 to T4.
Studies indicate that adequate selenium levels may lower thyroid antibodies. Supplementing with selenium is often recommended, since few people get all the selenium they need from their diet.
Your body creates its own thyroid hormone, and numerous nutrients go into this process. Iron, in particular, is a key part of thyroid hormone synthesis. Iron deficiencies are extremely common, particularly among women with regular menstrual cycles.
Iron levels affect thyroid health in another way. Inadequate iron can lead to inadequate production of red blood cells, which makes it difficult for the body to absorb thyroid hormone.
Vitamin A
Almost any multivitamin or supplement you take will include vitamin A, but vitamin A is a notoriously common deficiency among those with hypothyroidism. In supplements, vitamin A is present as beta-carotene, which the body then converts to vitamin A. Without proper thyroid hormone levels, this conversion does not happen.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D, which comes primarily from the sun and natural food sources, may be a significant problem for those with thyroid problems. Thyrocytes, which initiate thyroid hormone production, often fail to function in the face of vitamin D deficiency.
Although many experts recommend getting as much vitamin D as you can from the sun, using supplements (in addition to a healthy diet) is often necessary for those with thyroid issues. If you live in an area that is often cloudy or overcast, vitamin D supplementation is even more important.
Pro D3 is a supplement that our readers have recommended again and again. It has vitamin D3, the form of vitamin D you need for thyroid function. With 1250% of your daily recommended value, this supplement is well suited to those with a chronic deficiency.
On top of that, Pro D3 has many strains of probiotics. This means that you can strengthen your gut health and function while getting the vitamin D you need.
A huge amount of people suffer from iodine deficiency. For many Americans, the main source of iodine is iodized salt. As people have started to use less table salt on their food in response to dietary recommendations, iodine deficiencies have developed. However, iodine is required for the formation of thyroid hormone, so this deficiency must be addressed.
Fixing Your Nutritional Deficiencies
On top of eating a healthy diet and taking care of your body through rest and exercise, you can use natural supplements to tackle the nutritional deficiencies in your body. MultiPro Women is an excellent solution for women, as it includes all of the vitamins and minerals listed above, in addition to many of the other nutrients you need for optimal health.
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