This Simple Trick Will Get Rid Of Your Gross And Annoying Blackheads Forever!

Let me guess: you’ve used cosmetics in the past to remove your gross and sometimes painful blackheads only to have them come right back, right? It turns out, those pricey strips and expensive facial cleansers are only temporary solutions and don’t even touch the effectiveness of my all natural method.

All you need is lemon, salt, and warm water. It’s more effective than anything you’ll buy in the store and your blackheads won’t come back.

In a small bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of sea salt, 1/2 a teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of warm water. Apply the mixture to your whole face, but apply more to the area with blackheads. Take a warm, wet washrag and slowly work the mixture into your skin in a circular motion like you’re waxing a car. Wax on, wax off.

Massage your skin with the warm rag for 5 minutes. Rewarm the rag if it starts cooling off. Allow the mix to sit on your skin for another 5 minutes then wash your face off with cold water – as cold as you can stand.

You may need to apply it a few times over the course of a week, but it’ll break down those nasty blackheads and keep them away. How? Here’s the breakdown:

Salt is an antibacterial agent that helps cleanse and unclog the pores. Lemon juice contains citric acid which helps fight off germs and bacteria, thus cleaning the skin. The warm water helps open up your pores as well. All together, it’s like an expensive chemical peel but not nearly as bad for you.

Give it a try and let us know what you think!

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