This is What Happens To Your Body When You Don't Drink Enough Water

These are 6 side effects of not drinking enough water backed by research:
1. Drinking more water, decreases the risk of suffering from conditions like kidney stones, colon cancer or heart diseases amongst others.
2. Drinking more water speeds up your metabolism. Studies have demonstrated that drinking water will actually speed up your metabolism and help your body function more efficiently.
3. Studies have demonstrated that our brain needs water to function at its peak condition. After all, the brain is made up of roughly 73% water!
4. According to a U.S. study, those who drank 2 glasses of water before a meal ate 70 to 90 percent less calories than those who did not.
5. Studies have also found that water helps to renew the skin, get rid of wrinkles and gives a healthier look to your skin.
6. Water also helps to put you in a good mood while lowering stress levels. People who do not drink water before exercise said that they felt tired, anxious, angry and sad.


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