This Household Item Can Counteract Your Cannabis-Induced Paranoia

Good news for anyone who gets anxiety or paranoia from marijuana! And you probably already have everything you need.

Some call it paranoia, others call it anxiety. My own experience based opinion is it stems from one’s own compulsion to have to be in control. When it’s taken away suddenly with heightened awareness instead of alcohol’s lower awareness, one feels too vulnerable or exposed without his or her own socially protective behavioral patterns to fall back on.

When singer songwriter Neil Young was being interviewed on air by radio shock jock broadcaster Howard Stern, an unusual biochemical solution to paranoia or other cannabis anxiety producing discomfort was brought up by Neil himself – black peppercorns.

Stern had commented on why he no longer used pot. It made him paranoid. Neil suggested a solution of chewing on a couple of black peppercorns. Not so sure if I’d want to do that while feeling more awareness from cannabis. But then again, cannabis induced paranoia or anxiety has never been an issue for me.

Here’s the scientific physiological biological chemical rationale behind the peppercorn solution. It has to do with complimentary terpenoid-THC entourage effects uncovered by a British pharmacological study titled “Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects”.

Terpenes are compounds that give plants and flowers their individual aromas. Evidently, the terpenes from black peppercorns are what mellow out THC induced paranoia. The good folks at who originally reported the Neil Young advice had success just smelling the black pepper.

The entourage effect of terpenoids and cannabinoids is something that’s in a discovery phase. But it’s varied healing effects are beginning to provide more of a nuanced medical marijuana user’s guide, which if left alone will go further for prescribing strains with greater accuracy. More on the entourage effect here.
terpenes-chartImage credit: Mich Medical Marijuana Growers Club

But Then Again, There’s the Psychological Aspect

When I was in my mid-twenties during the wonderful mid-sixties in Manhattan, my good friend Andy, and art student, dropped by looking to have his first marijuana experience, for which I had become an earnest proselytizer among my circle of friends and acquaintances.

I had just started using cannabis myself, and found it fascinating with how my perspective and awareness expanded, virtually forcing me to be more in the moment. Dialing on my rotary dial phone, which was all there was then, seemed to take forever for each spin to return for the next number to dial. And as a jazz and classical music lover, I was in harmonic heaven.

So Andy dropped by and we lit up. After the third or fourth toke, Andy looked very pale and tense. He became very anxious. He could barely talk and seemed to have turned wooden. Then I became slightly paranoid, fearful of what may become of all this. News flash: “NYPD bust pot pusher after 911 call from terrified marijuana victim.”

My paranoia was based on the real life illegality of marijuana. At the time, I actually contemplated punching Andy out and hiding him in a closet until he came to. Yeah, very silly. Fortunately, Andy blurted, “just get me out of here (my apartment) and I think I’ll be okay.”

Aha, some sort of extreme imagined claustrophobia. I helped him out of the apartment, into the elevator and onto the street. When we got onto the sidewalk, suddenly Andy became more alive and happy than I’d ever seen him, even after a few drinks.

He was going “wow”, snapping his fingers with arms flailing and commenting loudly how felt we were brothers and he was a hipster even though he wasn’t. Whew, he was right. His extreme paranoia was cured by going outside. But now I was concerned, not paranoid, that he was acting “stoned” too outwardly.

Later Andy told me he had related the negative experience to his shrink. Many New Yorkers did psychoanalysis in those days. Listening therapy and counseling were the norm, not dangerous drugs. His shrink explained it was his suppressed anxiety brought to the surface from the weed’s effect.
After that, Andy began enjoying cannabis occasionally just like I did. The anxiety was embedded in Andy’s psyche to begin with. It didn’t come from the weed, which actually had forced him to confront that tension.

So those of you who can’t handle the “high” from cannabis’s THC, either look inwardly to see where it’s coming from or simply chew or sniff black peppercorns.

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By Paul Fassa via Real Farmacy

Paul Fassa is a contributing staff writer for His pet peeves are the Medical Mafia’s control over health and the food industry and government regulatory agencies’ corruption. Paul’s contributions to the health movement and global paradigm shift are well received by truth seekers. Visit his blog by following this linkand follow him on Twitter here