Toxic Buildup Leads To Weight Gain, Belly Fat & Other Health Problems. Try This Simple Detox Drink

Simple detox recipe worth saving

Do you suffer from excess weight, joint pain, headaches, acne, food allergies, depression, insomnia, fatigue? If so, your body is probably out of balance and has a toxic overload.  Your weight gain and belly fat can be linked to toxins in your liver. The liver has two important functions. It not only detoxifies your blood, but also metabolizes fat.  When the liver becomes overworked and fatty,  we begin gaining weight and experience other health issues.

When your body is stressed, these  stored toxins are released from fat cells which  can lead to cellular damage and  more toxins that your liver will not able to process.  Toxins can also be stored in brain tissue, muscle tissue, nervous tissue, and even in cellular membranes.

Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton states that the root cause of all weight gain is directly related to our own natural weight control system being overloaded and poisoned with toxic chemicals that we come in contact through our skin care, food, cleaning products and general environment. In her book, The Detox Diet –Eliminate Chemical Calories and Enhance Your Natural Slimming System, Dr Baillie-Hamilton writes about the link between the current fat epidemic and toxic synthetic chemicals.
It is important to know that toxins clog up your liver,thus preventing it from burning fat. Detoxification is a healthy and natural way to help your body get rid of harmful toxins.When your body eliminates harmful toxins, the fat that is stored to help protect your body will also be eliminated. This detox drink will help you

Detox Drink Recipe

Mix everything together and drink daily!

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By Anya V via Living Traditionally