STUDY: Long-Term Use Of Xanax, Valium, Klonopin & Other Psychoactives May Lead To Cancer

Once again, proof that psych meds do much more harm than good...

Benzodiazepines (BZDs), the group of central nervous system depressants known to create feelings of calm, sleep and drowsiness, are under fire for findings that suggest they may lead to cancer. This means that the likes of Valium, Xanax, Klonopin, and a host of other psychoactives, are playing a role in chipping away at people's health, putting them at risk for one of the most life-threatening diseases around.

The finding comes from experts who engaged in a longitudinal population-based case-control study in which information was assessed from the Taiwan National Health Insurance database. The goal was to determine any association between use of BZDs and cancer risk in people who were 20 years of age or older.

Unsurprisingly, but still terribly saddening, they found that the answer was a very likely "yes."

The psych med-cancer link

According to the published study entitled, Is Long-term Use of Benzodiazepine a Risk for Cancer?, there's a correlation between BZDs and specific cancers. The study notes that it was observed "... that benzodiazepines exposure increased the overall cancer risk up to 21%, specifically for brain 98%, colorectal 25%, lung 10%, esophagus 59%, prostate 36%, bladder 39%, liver 18%, pancreas 41% and other cancers 27%."

While they suggest that, "therapeutic effectiveness of BZDs should be monitored closely for long-term users" in order to fully understand the scope of the implications, the experts don't shy away from the likelihood that the use of such drugs poses cancer-causing threats. They write that "... we assume that risk of cancers could be associated with individual BZD, which might have some relationship only with particular cancers etiology need to be identified."

The mind-altering drugs most of us don't need, but are prescribed anyway

Unfortunately, many of us are walking around with a variety of psychoactives in our systems, popping pills like it's going out of style. In fact, it's all part of a vicious cycle in which doctors prescribe psych meds to people who – in many cases – don't even need them. At the same time, such medical experts enjoy the perks that come with Big Pharma bribes, in the form of cash, decadent meals and fancy vacations.

So, while your health is put in jeopardy, some doctors literally laugh all the way to the bank. It's of grave concern that this behavior continues; doctors who do this are playing a role in the approximately 5 million deaths that have occurred in the West just in the past decade alone – and it's all due to unnecessarily prescribing psych medications to people who don't really need them in the first place.

Not only are such drugs linked to certain cancers, as the aforementioned study shows, but they're also associated with suicides and other worrisome issues.

In addition to cancer, psych meds linked to suicides, mass shootings

The British Medical Journal found that antidepressant drugs increase the risk of suicide and aggressive behavior; although this was especially so in people under the age of 18, the finding involved all age groups. A total of 70 trials were assessed to examine the safety and effectiveness of the most common antidepressants available to consumers, and it was found that such medications put the under-18 age group at double the risk of suicide.

Use of BZDs is even linked to the surge in mass shootings that seem to be occurring just about every other day. Surely, it's not just a coincidence that the amount of prescriptions tripled between 1996 and 2013, while the number of overdoses quadrupled – quadrupled! – during that same time. What else has been happening though the years? You guessed it – a ridiculous number of mass shootings and acts of violence, in which it's often discovered that the person or people involved were taking mind-altering psych meds.

"We found that the death rate from overdoses involving benzodiazepines, also known as 'benzos,' has increased more than four-fold since 1996 — a public health problem that has gone under the radar," says Dr. Marcus Bachhuber of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.

Such easy access to dangerous meds – which is intensified by the ease with which they're prescribed – poses a serious threat to our health. Drugs designed to assuage our feelings of anxiety and depression are repeatedly shown to raise suicide rates and aggressive behaviors, play a role in mass shootings, and even contribute to the likes of brain, lung and liver cancers, to name just a few.

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