Russian Woman Brining Polluters To Justice [Video]

A Youtube video of an unknown and anonymous vigilante woman is going viral on the internet. The video has already more than 24 million views.

A Youtube video of an unknown and anonymous woman is going viral on the internet. Uploaded on 15th of September 2014 and reaching already 3 million views 2 days later.

The title of the video is written in russian and means “Untracetreable girl on motorbike against garbage”.

In the video, she tracks down guys who throw their garbage on the street and punishes them by either throwing their garbage back into their cars and into their faces or taping the garbage to their cars.
Her vehicle is a cool, if not aweseome looking motorbike, which she uses both to catch the ‘villains’ and to escape them.

The world definitely needs more guardians and heroes like her!

Watch the original full video here:

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