Do Not Ignore This! This May Be The Hidden Cause Of Your Lower Back Pain

The pilonidal cyst appears due to an excessive and continuous pressure on the sacrococcygeal area. It is formed along the tailbone, near the left of the buttocks and above the anus, and looks like a sac and can make worse an already existing cyst. It consists of waste matter of the skin and hair. The ingrown hair irritates the skin and causes inflammation and creation of a carbuncle or cyst.
In most cases, these cysts are more common in men than in women, and most often, they occur between the ages of 16-25 years.
The main symptoms of the pilonidal cysts are pain in the lower spine, fever, redness and tenderness over the lower spine and drainage of pus from the opening in the skin.
Fortunately, instead of having a surgery or other medical help, you can solve this condition at home, with the help of some natural remedies.
Here are the most effective ones:
Also known as a slaked lime, chuna is useful in fighting against the infection caused by a pilonidal cyst, as it dries out the boil. All you need to do is to mix it with turmeric powder and apply this mixture on the affected area. You can cover it with a bandage.
You can add turmeric in your food. Turmeric will provide relief from the infections triggered by a pilonidal cyst. Simply add it in your food, and it will also offer other favorable effects. Turmeric is extremely effective in treating many other diseases.
Moreover, you can also mix turmeric and water in order to make a paste. Apply the paste over the affected area three times every day.
Fenugreek treats boils and inflammation triggered by a pilonidal cyst, so it is extremely useful in this case. You can use it in the form of powder and capsule. Take 1/2 teaspoon of fenugreek and add in 1/2 glass of boiled water. Let it cool before consumption. Also, you can take two capsules of fenugreek in the morning and evening.
Apple Cider Vinegar 
This remedy has many healing characteristics that offer relief from the pilonidal cyst symptoms. Apple cider vinegaralso treats swelling from the pilonidal cyst. Simply soak a cotton pad in apple cider vinegar and apply it over the affected area. Use this remedy several times every day.
Furthermore, apple cider vinegar can help you treat nearly any kind of skin infection, and it also helps in rebuilding the pH balance and eliminating the toxins out of the body.
Garlic and Epsom Salt
Epsom salt is also very beneficial in the treatment of pilonidal cyst. You need to add two cups of Epsom salt in a bath tub with warm water. This solution contains sulphate and magnesium, minerals that are helpful in eliminating the toxic materials out of the body. Therefore, soak the affected area in it for 30 minutes, twice a day.
Also, garlic contains antioxidants that help in fighting against the germs that cause pilonidal cysts.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera includes many beneficial properties that fight bacteria, virus and other microbes, so it will treat the skin infections caused by pilonidal cysts. Aloe vera can be used in the form of juice, so consume half a glass of aloe Vera juice once daily.
Castor Oil
Castor oil contains powerful properties that help fight against inflammation and encourages the healing process. You will need to apply warm castor oil over the affected area and cover it with a bandage. Repeat this treatment three times every day.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil functions as an antiseptic and therefore, it can heal the affected skin. Apply a drop of tea tree oil over the affected area.
Warm Bath
In the case of a pilonidal cyst, you may benefit a lot from a warm bath, as it can ease the symptoms. You can reduce the pain from the pilonidal cyst by sitting it in a warm bath. Moreover, you will thus prevent the reappearing of pilonidal cysts in the future. Repeat this procedure regularly.
Exercising will provide relief from the pain and stress caused by the pilonidal cyst. Therefore, it is advisable to exercise regularly, or simple practice walking. Moreover, yoga can also help in treating this condition.

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