The gun "will be virtually undetectable because it hides in plain sight," the company said.
A company based in Minnesota has invented a handgun (.380-caliber pistol) that folds up and appears to onlookers as a smartphone.
The gun, dubbed the "Ideal Conceal", will be available later this year and "will be virtually undetectable because it hides in plain sight".
The creator, Kirk Kjellberg, actually explained to NBC News that the idea came to him after he was grilled at a restaurant for carrying a legally licensed concealed weapon. As a result, Kjellberg, decided to invent a gun that wouldn't put a responsible gun owner in uncomfortable situations.
The product, understandably, has attracted concern too for fairly obvious reasons. Critics believe that the design could create a much more dangerous environment. Citing the easily perceived concerns of children being attracted to the phone, terrorism, smuggling into airports, etc. the creator has responded that the gun is easily detected through x-ray and has the same machinery as a regular weapons and that parents need to be more responsible. Kjellberg has also made sure to share the gun's blueprint with the Department of Homeland Security, to make sure they are able to detect it in places where guns are prohibited, such as airports.
It is very well known throughout the world that the United States has been dealing with an epidemic in "lone nut" shootings and gun violence, particularly in the past few years. What is not so well known, however, is that these shootings have special ops written all over them and a long list of inconsistencies and irregularities. Sound bizarre? The CIA actually developed the ability to brainwash civilians into being mindless killers decades ago already, according to their own documents which you can read about HERE. And, when we consider that they had plans in the past to commit terrorist attacks on the civilian population in Operation Northwoods, in an effort to achieve certain political goals, it is not that far fetched at all.
Sales are set to begin in October of this year and the gun is listed for $395. There are two sides to the argument and understandably so. One side argues this will only create more problems and the other that this will help good people protect themselves. Personally, I believe guns are not the actual problem, but the overall mental health of the United States is the problem. Whether or not this problem can be fixed remains to be seen.
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