“Every step on the path to legalization has been won through disobedience to the [unjust] cannabis laws," says Dana Larsen, well-known Canadian pot activist, author and politician that is spearheading the movement to send weed seed to farmers across the country.
“It is civil disobedience against the unjust pot prohibition laws that have gotten us to the verge of legalization," he adds.
Larsen is encouraging aspiring and current pot farmers to visit his website, Overgrow Canada, and sign up so that he can mail them 10-100 seeds to plant, preferably on their own property.
A landmark court decision in February gave medical marijuana patients throughout Canada the right to grow their own weed. Though there are still some old laws, put into place by past lawmakers, that give friction to this personal growing, people are pushing forward with it anyway. Earlier in the year, as part of a push towards legalization, Larsen mailed a copy of his book and dime-bags of pot to each of 184 liberal members of Canada's Parliament, including then Prime Minister Christy Clark.
The newly elected government of Justin Trudeau is implementing a system to legalize and regulate recreational marijuana in Canada, where 68% of the population is in support of it.
Larsen's singular voice is ringing loudly with people around Canada and the world.
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