Anonymous – OpIslam

Well first of all, this operation does not aim at “converting everyone to islam”, not at all.
Islam is a religion misunderstood by many, verses form the quran are misinterpreted, lies about our Prophet Mohammad are spread, all of of this is use to create hate and animosity toward Muslim community. I was thinking for a long time now, about doing an operation that will aim at educating people about what Islam is in order to prove that we are not the enemy, but I hesitated a lot, not knowing if it was a good idea or not. What really helped me take a decision is this article :
There is a lot of anti-Islam website out there, spreading lies and hate pretending they know better what islam is than Muslims. My idea was to do exactly what Vibe did in this article, answering lies with the truth. Showing to the world that no, Muslims are not terrorist, that Islam does not advertise violence, that we are peaceful, and that the real message of Islam is peace, nothing more than that. I understand that some people feel uncomfortable when it comes down to talk about religions, but I think that making religions a taboo, especially with what is currently happening in the world, is not a good idea. I was told that a lot of people are ignorant when it comes down to Islam, this ignorance is used in order to create more divisions between us. I want to break down one of those many walls that are dividing humanity. – maia (sky) –
ignorance leads to fear, fear leads to hate, hate leads to violence. This is the equation.
We theorize that people do not just simply hate other people for no reason, this behavior is learned and maybe people are misinformed and/or uneducated about Islam and Muslim peoples. Between random Youtube videos about the end of the world, conspiracy blogs and Fox News, Muslims can be presented in a pretty scary fashion to most viewers. In fact here is one such example of a hate web sites of Islam:
Notice how the web site is titled “bible” and in one the first lines goes on to state that “Islam is entirely of Satanic origin. The Devil is behind every aspect of it “. This particular website is important to note out for several different reasons. First, this web site shows the indoctrination and hate which exists towards Islam in the western World today. Second, what if a young student studying religion comes across a web site with the word bible in the title and this is what they learn? It is horrible to think, who knows how many people web site like this influenced over the years. Third exposing mis-information like this is what OpIslam is all about. Expose the hatred in the world, show the people what it really is and what it looks like and then educate people, give them information to make better judgements in the future.
Here is another such example of OpIslam and the types of discussion it has promoted…..
Question: “As a Christian it was pointed out to me the the Koran contains over a hundred verses advocating the use of violence in the name of religion. This bothers me because the teachings of Jesus are all about non violence. As a Muslim what is your response to this?” Source:
Answer: “I have seen these claims before, it is sad how the quran is so misinterpreted.” The following web site was also given for people to read and understand why the original question was false:
……… we want people to be having more of conversations like this in the public eye, educating us all in the process. This operation is new and we are still gathering supports. What we are asking for is examples of hateful, misleading, or false headlines or web sites towards Islam and the appropriate response as proof of the logic why those examples are wrong. This is the back and forth and dialogue people need to see and read if anything is going to change and people are going to learn anything. Whether people like it or not Muslims make up 26% of the global population and Islamic relations are at the top of international political discussion. Being Jewish or Christian or Atheist or Apolitical is no reason not to at least learn about and/or understand Islam. If you have never learned in the past we hope this operation can be a stepping stone towards understanding, ultimately peace.
The sentiments of OpIslam are similar in a way to a group known as the American Muslims in Opposition of Terror who was featured here on AnonHQ the other week. Interview With A.M.O.T
Helpful Links
The Most Misunderstood Verses of The Quran:
Free Student Teachers. Learn Arabic Online With Teachers From Syria:
Understanding The Islamic Divide:
Harvard University Online Religion Classes (free):

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