10 Home Remedies For Dark Spots On Face

Best Ways To Remove Dark Spots
Try them!

Do you become self conscious when you are talking to other people because of the dark spots that you have on your face? Sometimes, people try to hide the dark spots with makeup but as time progresses, the dark spots tend to become more obvious. Keep in mind that black spots do not only appear on the face, they can also appear on different parts of the body. This article will show you how to get rid of black spots on skin fast and naturally.

Get Rid of Black Spots

Major Causes That Results Dark Spots on Your Face

In order to know what solution is best to help remove the black spots found on the body, it is extremely important to know what their different causes are. Some of the possible causes of black spots include the following:

  • Hyper pigmentation – This usually occurs when people used to suffer from acne. Since the skin has become traumatized, it becomes hyper pigmented and this causes the black spots.
  • Medicine – There are some medications that are available in the market right now that might cause people to have black spots.
  • Extreme Exposure to the Sun – When people are exposed to the UV rays of the sun, they tend to get black spots. This can be remedied by staying out of the sun from 10AM to 2PM and wearing sun block when the heat of the sun cannot be avoided.

These are just some of the possible reasons people get black spots. While some people would immediately consult their dermatologist about it, a lot of people would rather try some home remedies that can have the same effect.

Top 10 Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Black Spots Fast

1.Use Lemon Juice to Get Rid of Black Spots

Lemon Juice

There are a lot of people who always see lemon juice as one of the natural home remedies that can be used for the skin. Lemon juice is a type of citrus fruit and therefore contains citric acid. The acidity of the lemon juice can be helpful in bleaching those dark spots in the skin so that they can fade away over time.

What You Need:

  • Lemon Juice
  • Sugar
  • Q Tip

Note: If you have the lemon juice in an appropriate sized container, add sugar to it and mix them together. Using a Q tip, apply the mixture on each dark spot that you have on your face and the rest of your body. The effect will start to take place in a few months or so.


Aside from the fact that fruits can be eaten in order to make people healthier, fruits can also be used as an effective home remedy for dark spots. The papaya is known to have a lot of good benefits. Aside from the fact that it increases people’s bowel movements, it is also good for the skin.

What You Need:

  • Papaya Peel

Note: If you think that you can use the pulp in order to improve the condition of your skin then you are mistaken. For this, you would need the papaya skin. You need to take out the seeds and the pulp but do not throw away the pulp since you can eat this later. Once you have already removed the pulp and the seeds, you may rub the papaya peel all over the face. You will be surprised with how glowing you look after.


Parsley for black spots
Parsley is usually known to be a garnish in different meals because they tend to make meals look better but what a lot of people do not know is that they can also be used to heal dark spots. If you want to get rid of dark spots on your face with the use of parsley then read on.

What You Need:

  • Parsley
  • Turmeric
  • Lime Juice

Note:The first thing that you need to do is you have to grind the parsley first. You have to make sure that it has been ground down finely. To do this effectively, you would need to mix the turmeric together with lime juice. Once the paste is stable enough it can be applied on the skin. This mixture can be used under moisturizers and other creams that you apply to your skin.

4.Use Chickpeas to Get Rid of Black Spots Naturally

Since chickpeas are known to have a lot of good properties, it is not a surprise anymore that they can also be used for the skin. Chickpeas contain properties that are not only good for the skin, these properties can also help get rid of dark spots found on the skin.

What You Need:

  • Boiled Chickpeas

Note:Bring the chickpeas to a boil until soft. Once they are soft, they can be mashed. Place the mashed chickpeas on a clean bowl and mix them further until they have a pasty appearance. Rub the paste on the face and different parts of the body. Apply the paste on the areas where dark spots are visible. This can be done every day.


Buttermilk is known to have a lot of rich properties. In fact, using it on the skin can have an immediate effect especially if this is done regularly.

What You Need:

  • Buttermilk
  • Sour milk
  • Lemon Juice
  • Cotton Swab

Note: Mix the buttermilk and sour milk together. Then, mix the lemon juice in to form a mixture that can be used to wash your face. If you think your spots are too concentrated in one area, There is no need to use the cotton swab anymore. You can just place the mixture directly on the skin but if you are just treating the dark areas, use the cotton swab to apply to each black spot on the skin.

6.Use Lime Juice to Get Rid of Black Spots

Lime Juice
Lime like lemon is a citrus fruit and citrus fruits are known to have a lot of good properties that can benefit the skin a lot. Lime juice can also be beneficial in fighting dark spots if done correctly.

What You Need:
  • Lime Juice
  • Yogurt

Note:Remember to mix in the lime juice and the yogurt thoroughly. Once you do this, remember to apply the mixture on the dark spots. This can also be used as a mask if this would be applied to the face. Leave it on the affected area for about half an hour before rinsing it off.

7.Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera
Since Aloe Vera is good for the hair, logically Aloe Vera should be good for the skin in general, right? The simple answer is yes!

What You Need:
  • Aloe Vera Leaf

Note:Make sure that you cut the Aloe Vera leaf in half so that you can get the gel like substance inside. The gel can be placed directly on the face. This can be done every day so that its effects will become apparent after a month.

8.Apply Castor Oil to Get Rid of Black Spots Fast

Castor Oil
If you mention castor oil to adults, they will probably have some unpleasant expressions on their faces probably because their elders used to try to make them take castor oil for its good benefits for the digestive system. This time, castor oil doesn't need to be ingested to have a good effect against dark spots.

What You Need:

  • Castor Oil

Note:Simply apply the castor oil on the affected areas of the skin every day. What the castor oil will do is it will gradually make the spots fade over time.

9.Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice is known to have a lot of good properties that can be good for the health in general. This is the reason why it is not surprising that pineapple juice can also be used to get rid of dark spots on the skin.

What You Need:

  • Pineapple Juice
  • Cotton

Note:Using cotton, dab the pineapple juice on the different skin areas that are affected by the dark spots. This will help remove the dark spots over time.

10.Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Who can forget apple cider vinegar on home remedies lists? Apple cider vinegar is almost always included probably because of the many different health benefits.

What You Need:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Onions
  • Blender
  • Cotton Ball

Note: Using a blender would be ideal for this mixture (although onions can be chopped finely then squeezed). Blend onions until mostly liquid and drain through a sieve to separate onion juice from excess material, mix it togeher with apple cider vinegar. use a cotton ball to apply this mixture the dark spots.

With all of the natural home remedies to get rid of black spots above, the dark spots that have bothered you may soon be a thing of the past.

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By John Hurry via Natural Remedy Ideas