70-Year-Old Looks 30, Reveals Fountain Of Youth

Mom and Grandma both died of breast cancer at 47, and 36. Diabetes runs in her family, but she has flawless health at 70 without any meds…

Her mother and grandmother both died of breast cancer at 47, and 36 years old, respectively. Her grandmother’s sisters died of cancer at early ages. Diabetes runs in her family.

Annette Larkins is in perfect health and doesn’t take aspirin.  In fact, she doesn’t take any medication at all, at least by the conventional modern definition. She is a fanatic of REAL medicine and lives by the quote, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ― Hippocrates

Mrs. Larkins grows a plethora of fruit, vegetables, and herbs around and inside of her house.  She collects rainwater and makes gallons of juice from what she grows. Wheatgrass is one of her specialties. She grows her own and drinks the juice regularly. Yet another anecdotal case of raw food and juicing providing overall health and endless youth.

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By Real Farmacy