The amazing healing benefits of pumpkin seeds.
A Spanish study has shown that pumpkin seeds contain compounds which fight efficiently against cancer cells and as well are good in the fight against bad mood.
They are rich in proteins, manganese, fibers, potassium and phosphor. These seed contain a high level of zinc which is very important for the immune system, they help in development and right division of cells in the organism, have an effect on the sleeping routine and improve sight, skin and create good mood.
Pumpkin seeds contain compounds which fight efficiently against cancer cells. In fact pumpkin seeds are effective against different types of cancer and have anti-inflammatory properties. A German study showed that women which pass through menopause should consume pumpkin seeds daily and have 23% lower chances of developing breast cancer.
Sunflower seeds are very effective as well. Pumpkin seeds oil is effective and useful when it is used on problems with increased prostate. The oil contains phytochemicals and antioxidants which fight free radicals in the organism and prevent creation of cancer cells.
Pumpkin seeds are great source of proteins which are key factor for loosing extra weight. 30 g of pumpkin seeds contains 5 g of protein which will help you to stay full. However be careful and moderate in consumption of these seeds because a cup of them contains 285 cal. As well they are great for physical and mental health.
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By Healthy Life Tricks