Hillary Clinton's Partnership With Monsanto Is As Toxic As The Roundup It Produces

Monsanto's Roundup chemical, used to kill weeds, has recently been found to cause cancer.  Hillary's allegiance with the company is disturbing and voters are recognizing.

Hillary is a long standing advocate of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and hired Jerry Crawford, former Monsanto lobbyist, to head her Super PAC.

It's not her support for GMOs that is disturbing; there are countless scientific arguments for the value of editing the gene; it is the use of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides the chemical company advocates.  Roundup is one of many, an herbicide, that has been found to have long lasting effects on the ground it comes into contact with.  The plants survive it because they are genetically bred to resist it, but then the plants are eaten and the chemicals end up in the human gastrointestinal tract.

Monsanto advocated that Roundup "targets an enzyme only found in plants and not in humans or animals" but was found to be covering up the fact that the enzyme is also found in the human intestines.  People reported lists of side effects from exposure through their food and the World Health Organization (WHO) and American Cancer Society labeled it a 2A carcinogen, probable cancer causer.

Monsanto is currently being sued for lying about the danger of their herbicide in a California court.
So why is Hillary Clinton still chummy with this toxic pollutant company (also responsible for producing Agent Orange in the 1960's)?  Money.  They pay her bills and if she's president, she'll pay theirs with our money.  Fuck her; go organic and support solar powered vertical farms.  Hire Bernie Sanders and decentralize the food system.

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People are dropping Hillary like a toxic sandwich for her insidious support of Monsanto.

By Minds.com