Five 30 Second Moves to Tone Your Entire Body And Burn Fat Fast (With Pictures!)

We've discovered a total-body routine that uses your body weight as resistance to sculpt lean muscle while elevating your heart rate to burn fat.

We've discovered a total-body routine that uses your body weight as resistance to sculpt lean muscle while elevating your heart rate to burn fat.

When it comes to getting lean and toned, you don’t need a lot of time or a single piece of equipment. This total-body routine uses your body weight as resistance to sculpt lean muscle while elevating your heart rate to burn a ton of fat. The workout is short. To get maximum results, you need to push yourself to work at your maximum capacity. Aim to get as many reps as possible of each move in the allotted time.


Perform all the moves back-to-back, for 30 seconds each. Maintain good form and rest only when necessary. After completing the final move, rest 30 seconds and repeat in this format for a total of six rounds.

1. Pencil Squats

Stand with feet together holding an imaginary medicine ball above your head. Hop your feet out to shoulder-width as you drop into a low squat, lowering the “ball” to touch the floor between your feet. Reverse the motion to return to start, squeezing your inner thighs as you come back up. Repeat.

2. High Lows

Start in the top of a push-up with wrists positioned directly below shoulders. Lower your right forearm to the floor, then your left. Return to the starting position one hand at a time. Continue repeating the full movement.

3. Standing Mountain Climbers


Stand with feet hip-width apart, right hand extended up to the sky, left hand in front of your chest. Sprint in place while alternating arms to the sky in opposition to the legs.

4. Low Plank Knees

Start in a low plank position on your toes and forearms, elbows positioned below shoulders. Raise your hips to the sky, driving your right knee forward. Return to start. Repeat, this time driving your left knee forward. Continue alternating.

5. Power Thrusts

Stand with feet hip-width apart. Squat down and place hands on the floor. Jump feet back to land in the top of a push-up position, then jump the feet back to start. Explosively jump up raising fingertips to the sky and tucking knees up to chest. Land softly and continue repeating.

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By Adam Rosante via Mind Body Green