Christians, Muslims, Jews, And Atheists Rally Against Donald Trump

SANTA BARBARA, CA — Set in downtown Santa Barbara at the beautiful De La Guerra Plaza — translated from Spanish “the plaza of War,” citing the monument’s history and its roll in the formation of the city — a peace rally took life yesterday.
In a show of solidarity, Muslims, Jews, Christians, and atheists joined hands and hearts to condemn terrorism. 
The protesters said they wanted to instill a message of tolerance and love in the community.
Muslim woman clings to the American flag, as her right to be an American is called into question.

Officials from multiple religious organizations came together with leaders in the local government offices — including the City Attorney’s office, the mayor of Santa Barbara, and the police department — to affirm this message: stand against terrorism, violence, and racial division.
In doing so, they also made it clear that they were taking a stand against Donald Trump, attributing messages of bigotry and hatred to his campaign.
Imam Yama of the Islamic Society of Santa Barbara, who grew up in the very community he preaches to, started by saying: “we are proud to be American, we are proud to be Muslim, and Mr. Trump we are not going anywhere.”
Rabbi Cohen then reiterated the need to always respect people’s religious views.
Christian Pastor Micheal said that when you enter a relationship with Christ, you have no choice but to forgive, to love, and to respect.
“There is no choice but to love when you are a Christian.”
Among the crowd were also atheists and agnostics, showing that despite deep theological and philosophical disagreements with their religious friends, they are still united in affirming mutual respect. 
“America doesn’t need Donald Trump or his bigoted ideas,” said one of them.
“What the country needs is a united people, solidified by love, respect and a common idea.”
The rally was a clear call for unity and respect for “our brothers and sisters across the globe.”
Like terrorism, bigotry also divides the country — it creates chaos and confusion, and it weakens us in the face of its enemies.

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