Avoid these 6 foods to keep your thyroid healthy
Issues with your health in general, as well as with your weight and your energy can be a result of issues with your thyroid gland. If you worry about the health of your thyroid or you already have a thyroid condition you need to pay attention to the next six foods:
1. Sugar
Extensive statement: avoid excess sugar in your everyday diet. No matter how odd may seem to you, if you reduce the intake of cheap products with added sugar, strawberries will become the sweetest delicacy in the world for you.Especially if you have autoimmune thyroid disease, you should pay a great deal of attention to the level of sugar in your blood. Excessive consumption of sugary foods can send your pancreas into overdrive and result in insulin resistance. the final result can be damage of your thyroid, as well as decrease in your hormone levels.
Long story short – the less you consume sugar, the better the health of your thyroid.
2. Fried Foods
Groceries high in trans fats can reduce the efficacy of thyroid hormone substitution tablets. They also affect body’s natural production of thyroid hormone in a really bad way.
A typical example of foods high in trans fat is fried food. You should avoid this type of food, like French fries and the like especially if you take thyroid pills. Those who take hormone-based pills for their thyroid health should completely eliminate fried food from their diet, the health professionals say.
3. Soy
You should make your soy intake moderate. If you take synthetic thyroid hormones for hypothyroidism, you should really avoid soy because it may obstruct your body’s absorption of the medications.
If you do like soy and still like to consume it despite this therapy, then you should consume it at least four hours after you have taken the thyroid medication so that your body can process each ingredient individually.
The same goes for other nutritional supplements as well, like calcium and magnesium pills or antacids that contain calcium or aluminium hydroxide.
Moreover, people who have iodine deficit should avoid soy because it may lead to reduced function of the thyroid.
4. Cruciferous Veggies
Everyone knows how healthy cabbage, broccoli and other similar vegetables are. These cruciferous vegetables have their place in most healthy diets, but not in the diet of people who have thyroid condition. These people should turn towards other vegetables for some time.
That said, this is merely a possible concern if you have an iodine shortage and if you rely on cruciferous vegetables for a large portion of your diet. But if you take in all the important nutrients every day and your diet is diverse, it won’t be such a problem to have some broccoli.
5. Coffee
Sadly for many people coffee isn’t the best choice of early morning refresher. Some of these people are people with thyroid health issues. That is why they should consume coffee with moderation.
If you drink too much coffee it may lead to consequences regarding your adrenal glands. These, on the other hand, can trigger various thyroid conditions and adrenal fatigue.
Every time you drink coffee, your adrenal glands discharge epinephrine and norepinephrine. You should reduce your intake of coffee especially if you drink it from an early age and in huge amounts. That way you will lower your concerns about your thyroid health.
6. Gluten
Your body really shouldn’t put up with the burden of gluten consumption if you deal with thyroid issues. The protein gliadin that gluten contains is unfamiliar to the human body. The transglutminase enzyme that the thyroid contains and gliadin are alike.
When you take in gluten, your immune system starts to fight the gliadin as a response, and with that, the similar enzyme in the thyroid. That is why your thyroid can be harmed for up to six months after gluten consumption. If you suffer from autoimmune thyroid disease, you should regularly examine your body to see if it has gluten intolerance or Celiac disease.
If you take care of your thyroid, it means you take care of your health in general. Some foods from the ones we listed are widely known as unhealthy and everyone recommends that they should be avoided. Fried food is a typical example. Other types of food, like cabbage and broccoli for example, otherwise are really beneficial and should take a meaningful place in your diet.
If you take care of your thyroid health, you will also take in all the nutrients in the right amounts, meaning that you will stay away from food that doesn’t bring any benefit to your life in general. Try to maintain your health and take care of your wellbeing.
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By Healthy Life Vision
Source : dailyhealthpost.com