SeaWorld Announces They Are Ending Live Orca Shows

Live orca shows are a thing of the past in California. Starting in 2017.

SeaWorld, San Diego has announced it will be closing its live orca shows amid harsh public outcry and boycotting.

Weeks ago, the state of California ruled that they can no longer breed captive orcas and the company has been under fire since Blackfish, a documentary showing the torture and danger of holding these wide roaming animals captive, was released in 2013.

It was also released that captive orcas do not live as long as those that live free.  This study was cited in California's decision to stop breeding.

The step of closing shows was taken by SeaWorld's new management and it is a good sign that they see the peoples' rage.  It is a generous move, to stop making your slaves do circus tricks.  The company plans to spend a large sum of money to create a resort within the park and show the animals in a more educational, true to life setting.

They are being called on to invest in ocean and sea sanctuaries by critics, including PETA.  "An end to SeaWorld's tawdry circus-style shows is inevitable and necessary, but it's captivity that denies these far-ranging orcas everything that is natural and important to them." said PETA Foundation Director of Animal Law Jared Goodman.
Maybe SeaWorld will become a water park.

Here is one instance of a group banding together to protest

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