Christie Brinkley Speaks Out Against Monsanto, GMOs (& Reveals A Secret About Staying Young)

Some people think Christy Brinkley looks like this in her sixties (yes, 60s) because of good genetics and money.  Now I’m not saying she isn’t blessed with natural good looks and can maintain herself better than some of us might, but I do think her diet has something to do with it. Watch this video where she speaks out against Monsanto & GMOs.  Read more below the full length photo about her secret (besides eating organic) that keep her looking so youthful.  PS It might not be what you think.

She’s gorgeous for any age but the fact that she is 61 years old should inspire any man or woman who might fear hitting 60.

Check out a quote here and read the rest of the article below.

When asked how she stays so youthful Christy says:
I do a little bit of whatever it takes. But I truly believe that my No. 1 thing is that I became a vegetarian when I was 13. I made the decision because I loved animals and didn’t want to be a part of the slaughter industry, but I’ve been reaping the benefits of that karma ever since. I’ve avoided the constant antibiotic injections into animals and the growth hormones. If you ask me, growth hormones are probably very aging, if it’s trying to make cattle age faster. That’s just my own personal opinion.

The other thing that I think contributes to a youthful look is a joie de vivre. I really believe that being flexible and grateful contributes a lot to your happiness, which contributes to your health, and contributes to your look. When you feel good, you look good. And vice versa: When you look good, you feel good.”
 Read the rest of the article here on Yahoo.

She also elaborates in detail on her diet here, in a piece from a few years back.

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By Erin Elizabeth via Health Nut News