You’ll Never Believe This Dog Is The Same One Rescued Just Two Months Ago…

Exhausted and afraid of human touch, this dog experienced a remarkable transformation in just two months thanks to Animal Aid Unlimited in India.

By Amanda Froelich via True Activist 

It is not uncommon to travel in a developing country and come across a number of unhealthy, malnourished, and skittish dogs. Without proper attention and care, homeless pups often live miserable lives devoid of love and trust, as they’ve never had a reason to believe in the goodness of humanity.

But there are fortunate dogs who are rescued and are given a new lease on life, and the canine cared for in the video above is one of the lucky few.

When Indian organization Animal Aid Unlimited drove past the sad-looking dog suffering from mange in Udaipur, they knew it needed their help or would likely die. It was clear that he had received no human contact in a long time, and so they brought him to their shelter and did their best to interest him in some food.

As Bored Panda shares, Animal Aid Unlimited hooked the dog up to an IV and treated his infections. Remarkably, within ten days, his skin was fully healed. The real transformation took place in the following weeks, however.

Two months later, when the dog once again met his rescuers, he was – and remains to be – fully happy and healed! The photos below capture the remarkable and inspiring transformation. 

When he was first rescued, he was “exhausted and inward.”

The dog was found on the side of the road in Udaipur, India

At first he was scared of human touch

But with gentle care and treatment, he began to improve.

Just two months of intensive treatment transformed the once-miserable pup into a healthy and healed canine.

Animal Aid Unlimited helped him get over his anxiety.

 Now, the beautiful dog is vibrant and eager to live life!

You can watch his inspiring story in the video above. 
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Images credited to:
Animal Aid Unlimited

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