This Is What Happens When Pregnant Women Use Cannabis

It's not what you'd expect...

Positive stories about marijuana are emerging just about every single day, and are therefore forcing people to confront prejudices and dogmas they had formerly been conditioned to believe about the healing plant. Now, a daring study from the past is coming to light, demonstrating marijuana's incredible benefits once again.

There has never been a proper study conducted on pregnant women in relation to the effects of marijuana. Naturally, this is the result of responsible parenting and the supposition by most mothers that marijuana does pose health risks, at least to unborn babies. Consequently, out of fear, mothers never subject their babies to marijuana.

A few studies have actually been published, but these reported negative findings because these studies included the use of hard and conclusively dangerous drugs like alcohol and heroine. They never isolated the effects of weed alone.That is, of course, until study in Jamaica was convened which changed everything.

Dr. Melanie Dreher lead an unprecedented study in Jamaica, where she studied forty four infants, twenty of which were exposed to marijuana prenatally. Jamaica, famous for the rasta culture and of course Bob Marley, is a place where weed is revered as a sacred plant that connects man to God. So the view is far more favorable than it is in the West.

The children were monitored closely until the age of five and, lo and behold, there were ZERO negative side effects. In fact, it seems that it improved the health of the children! Although I would recommend ingesting it for the best health benefits, these pregnant women actually smoked it which helped them control nausea and sickness, it kept their appetites healthy and helped them manage stress, anxiety and improve their overall sense of wellbeing. The study was actually conducted back in the 1960's but its findings were largely suppressed.

Although no studies have found anything negative to report on marijuana's effects on infants, the U.S. government still propagates marijuana's image in a negative light whenever it can. But, due to the success of this incredible miracle plant in so many people's lives, the lies and illusions are beginning to fade away in the face of the truth. 

So, just to be clear, no credible studies have been completed that suggest that marijuana is harmful to infants and the available evidence suggests just the opposite.

 Below you can watch a video with Dr. Dreher discussing the details of her incredible studies and findings on marijuana's effects on pregnant women and their babies;

Yet another lie exposed as being false. It's only a matter of time before people wake up about the incredible benefits being kept secret from us. Marijuana really is a miracle plant!

Please share this story and let's help people wake up.

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