Though made illegal in the US by Nixon's corrupt administration in 1970, DMT is one of the most widely experienced psychedelic chemicals in the world. Our bodies produce it (we found that out in 1971). It is possible to extract it from certain plants and refine it. Seek out experts if you plan to do this and make sure it's legal where you are.
DMT, the "spirit molecule" as it is known, is actually called Dimethyltryptamine and is one of the most common psychedelic chemicals in the world.
Found in plants and animals throughout Earth, it is accredited with the dream state that people feel, even while they are awake. It lends to human creativity and a large enough dose will send you into a short (10-15 minute) psychedelic trip that many people have attributed as a cleansing awakening.
In humans, the DMT is produced in the pineal gland, found in the middle of our brains. In some plants, the chemical is so prevalent that we can extract it for use. The methods of extraction are meticulous and often only performed by expert chemists. For this reason, we do not suggest attempting to synthesize DMT without an expert present that has full knowledge of the process.
We also do not condone doing anything illegal, as DMT is presently considered a Schedule 1 narcotic in the US. Make sure you have the legal right to use this chemical before acquiring it.
In this video, chemist David Barlow takes you through his steps on how to extract DMT from the Mimosa hostilis root bark.
Take care when working with any psychedelics. Not only can the creation process be extremely dangerous, requiring protective eye-wear, ventilation and danger of explosion, but the first-time ingestion can cause your body to experience things you may have never experienced before.
It is a good idea to experiment with these substances in safe and controlled environments and with someone that you trust that is experienced with the substance.
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