This Turmeric Anti-Inflammatory Paste Will Reverse Gum Disease, Swelling, And Kill Bacteria

Many people don’t know how teeth whiteners can harm your health. Lucky for you, we do, and that is why we have a tip for you that will give you white teeth and a healthy mouth using natural alternatives. Want to found out how? Here is the answer:

There are few things more attractive than a nice set of pearly whites and a warm smile!

Regardless of the shape of your smile, I think you’re beautiful and I encourage you to use it often! Smiles are FREE and have the power to bring so much joy to the world.

Today, I want to give you a tool that is natural, safe, efficient and guaranteed to leave your teeth whiter than it found them!

The Problem With Commercial Whiteners


Americans spend over 1 billion dollars a year on over-the-counter tooth whitening products. But are you getting what you’re paying for?

Most people have no idea that most whiteners come with RISKS, such as:
  • toothaches
  • teeth becoming translucent
  • gum irritation
  • gum receding
  • oral infections/disease
  • teeth becoming brittle
  • teeth going yellow again FASTER than before

It’s true… although many teeth whiteners will work short term, the results often don’t last and overuse can lead to serious issues that are NOT worth the temporary satisfaction at all!

As with most things, mother nature has some tricks up her sleeve to help you get that vibrant smile you’ve always wanted.

The answer to whiter teeth is in your pantry. If you’ve been hanging around the health & wellness world for long than I’m sure you’ve heard of this increasingly popular spice.  It’s actually one of my FAVORITE superfoods to use every single day.


Turmeric is a natural vibrant, golden spice that is often used to make mustard appear yellow.
“What? A YELLOW spice that will help make your teeth more WHITE? Pretty sure you’re crazy, Drew.”

Well, maybe I am but if you’ve noticed, I also have a pretty great set of pearly whites!
Although turmerics powerful color actually stains fabrics and surfaces, when it comes to your teeth – turmeric is a NINJA teeth whitener!

Strange, I know. But it’s true.

The Method

Turmeric Teeth Whitener

* You can also do this with only turmeric powder and water.



  1. Wet your toothbrush and dip it in mixture. Brush it on teeth as you would toothpaste. Allow to sit for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Spit and rinse well.
  3. Continue daily for a few days or even a week until you see desired results
And that’s it!

Other Benefits of Using Turmeric On Your Teeth

The great thing about using natural remedies made from superfoods is that they almost ALWAYS contain multiple benefits.

Many studies have been performed to show the benefits of turmeric in dentistry and for oral hygiene.

Toothaches and Oral infections

Turmeric contains anti-viral and antibacterial properties that can help keep the bad guys at bay and may soothe/improve oral infections.

Gum Irritation and Gum Reddening

When you use natural products like turmeric, you can expect less irritation and a healthier mouth than when you use chemical-based products. Because of turmerics antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, it can help to soothe inflammation and irritation in the mouth.

Some people are unknowingly allergic to chemicals in commercial toothpaste and other oral products. Using more natural based substances, like turmeric, can benefit the mouth significantly by lessening reddening and irritation.


Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

The pineal gland has been called one of the most important parts of your nervous system. It sits right in the center of your brain and is responsible for regulating various hormones and is also known as the center for “spiritual awakening”.

Many chemicals and substances in our modern world have been shown to damage the pineal gland.
Because of turmeric’s neuroprotective benefits and anti-inflammatory properties, it can improve and preserve the health of the pineal gland when used regularly.

Protect Your Brain from Fluoride Damage

Turmeric not only helps whiten your teeth, but may also help combat the negative effects of fluoride.
Fluoride, unfortunately, can be found EVERYWHERE.

  • drinking water
  • antibiotics
  • non-stick pans
  • toothpaste
  • and more

Multiple studies have shown that fluoride is TOXIC the the human brain and body.
Curcumin, the active substance in turmeric, contains remarkable brain-saving properties!
Over 200 peer-reviewed, published studies have shown that curcumin is a neuroprotective agent.

With all the chemical and toxin exposure we are facing daily, turmeric could very well become one of the most important herbs of our time!


5 Things You Didn’t Know About Turmeric

#1 Turmeric is very, very old!

Although turmeric only began trending in the United States about 30 years ago, it has been used in food and medicine around the world for THOUSANDS of years! Historians believe it was first used in India and then was brought to Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.

Researchers have found turmeric on the TEETH of old skeletons found near the Indus River and also on various cooking supplies thought to come from the same time period! Looks like we’re not the only ones using turmeric for whiter teeth.


#2 Turmeric was referred to as GOLD in biblical times!

That’s right, many historians believe that the GOLD the wise men brought to baby Jesus was actually turmeric! In many ancient scripts people refer to gold when they were really talking about turmeric.

#3 Turmeric has POSITIVE side effects!

Although many anti-inflammatory drugs (pharmaceuticals) are effective, they also take a big toll on your overall health. I’m sure you’ve experienced the negative side effects of drugs at one point or another and they are not fun! Especially when they are intended to make you feel BETTER.

Turmeric on the other hand is packed full of BENEFICIAL side effects for almost every organ of your body! If taken in EXTREMELY high doses it may cause diarrhea and slight nausea, but in normal everyday use, it is safe and free of side effects (like anything new though, be sure to consult your trusted naturopath for guidance).

#4  Turmeric is EASY to include in your diet!

You don’t have to work hard to get this tasty spice into your diet. You can take it in capsule form, use the powder in smoothies, juice the root itself, add it to all sorts of dishes, use it to brush your teeth, etc. Just browse our website for turmeric recipes!

#5 Turmeric may work better than Prozac for depression!

Recent studies done by a medical college in India found that curcumin (the active ingredient of turmeric) was successfully able to improve symptoms of depression in patients and didn’t cause negative side effects.

More Studies/Uses For Turmeric


More Ways To Use Turmeric

I use turmeric daily and so does most of the FitLife team! Check out some of the incredible ways you can use turmeric to improve your appearance and overall wellbeing…

Turmeric For Glowing Skin
How To Cook With Turmeric
Turmeric Face Peeling Mask
Anti-Inflammatory Lemon Turmeric Tonic
3 Recharging Turmeric Smoothie Recipes


We LOVE turmeric and have all experience several of its health benefits (of which over 600 are documented!).

In fact, we love it SO much that we spent a ton of time researching and formulating our very own turmeric supplement that is 4 TIMES more available by the body due to our super specialized extraction method.

AND – it’s all organic!

You have been enthusiastic about turmeric for a long time. And you’ve asked us to bring you something you could count on to be pure, effective and safe. Well, my friends… we listened.

Thanks for taking the time to read this article. If you found this information helpful, please share it with your friends and family. Your support in our endeavor of sharing free information would be much appreciated.

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 By Drew Canole via Fit Life TV