Over The Counter, Prescription Free Naloxone To Hit Ohio And Kentucky Pharmacies

We live in an era where drug overdoses occur on a daily basis. It isn’t uncommon to know someone who has been involved either directly, or indirectly, with an opiate-related overdose or addiction, namely heroin. Having a readily accessible Naloxone supply on hand may be a welcome relief to some families—perhaps offering them a minuscule amount of peace of mind.
This is what Ohio and Kentucky are hoping for, starting next week. An announcement has been made on behalf of Kroger’s pharmacies in the two states. Backed by Senator Rob Portman, R-Ohio, and Attorney General Mike DeWine, Naloxone kits will be available over the counter.
Tom Davis, vice president of pharmacy professional practices, has announced in a written statement about the program:
“Naloxone is a safe and effective antidote to opioid overdoses and by expanding access to this medication in our Ohio pharmacies by the use of a physician’s standing order for patients without a prescription, we can help save lives.”
Ohio and Kentucky are said to rank in the top five states for overdose death rates, according to the CDC. According to Jeff Talbot, vice president of Kroger’s merchandising division“Kroger wants to help reverse this horrible statistic. We want families dealing with addiction to know that they can count on having this drug available in the event that they need it.”
Kroger’s decision to supply over the counter Naloxone kits, has been widely supported by the medical and political communities of Ohio and Kentucky. “While many of our first responders carry Naloxone,”says DeWine, “having it available on a wider basis will no doubt help save lives.”

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