Maple Syrup Has 10X More Magnesium Than Honey (And Other Reasons To Use It As A Sweetener)

I'm usually a bit reluctant to use sugar in recipes and I'm always looking for a healthier option. It turns out that 100% pure maple syrup is one of the best (and healthiest!) sweeteners out there!

If you are like me, anything and everything that is sugar free turns your nose. Having a sweet tooth is a lot of work to manage, especially if you are trying to stay within the all natural realm. But, according to Daily Mail there is a new player in town, and its name is Maple Syrup!

Most of us have used some sort of syrup as sweetener in our tea and even in our baking. With the information that I am going to share with you right now comes great responsibility, young grasshopper! Or just an average amount of responsibility, whatever works for you. Just a small warning for you, in this article I am going to get very technical, very quickly.

Does anyone know how maple syrup is made? Anyone? Anyone other than our Canadian friends? Well, pure maple syrup comes from the sap of a maple tree. Gathering maple syrup is an actual process that starts with a puncture in the tree which allows the sap to come out freely. When it is first tapped, the sap itself is actually clear and tasteless with almost no sugar content. After this, the sap is boiled down to produce syrup that is 60% sugar. Don’t freak out just yet, let me tell you about the other 40%. 

Maple Syrup Benefits

Presently, science has showed that maple syrup is high in antioxidant abilities that can boost your immune system. Maple syrup consists of compounds that can help manage Type 2 diabetes, as well as act as a cancer fighting and anti-inflammatory agents. It is also a great source of vitamins and minerals. Only ¼ of a cup of maple syrup contains 100% of manganese, 37% riboflavin, and 18% zinc of your recommended Daily Value. Manganese plays a vital role in energy production and is necessary for proper brain and nerve function while riboflavin aids in the metabolic process and zinc is essential for a healthy immune system. Other minerals that are found in maple syrup are magnesium, potassium and calcium.

Maple syrup also contains polyphenol compounds that are thought to restrain enzymes that convert carbohydrates to sugars. Dr. Navindra Seeram, from University of Rhode Island, states that primary studies have revealed that maple syrup has a pronounced enzyme-inhibiting influence in comparison to several other healthy foods. To take this one step further, compounds that promote the oxidation and aging of your cells are not present in maple syrup.

Pure maple syrup not only tastes superior than processed sweeteners made from corn syrup, but it also is better for your overall health. Research by Canadian Nutrient File states that maple syrup is higher in its nutritional worth than sugar, brown sugar and even honey. Oh, and the calorie count in maple syrup is lesser than in honey, averaging about 50 calories per tablespoon.

So, does all of this mean that you should consume maple syrup with everything? No, not at all. You, as a Healthy Holistic Living reader, know that everything is best in moderation. However, now you should feel free and guiltless about putting some of that sweet flavor into your tea. Are you team Maple Syrup?

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By Healthy Holistic Living
