Cancer patient- I Illegally Healed Myself With Medical Marijuana!

 "I illegally healed‬ myself with ‪‎medical‬ ‪‎marijuana‬" wow ABC aired this with video!

He’s not the first person to heal himself, sadly illegally, and he won’t be the last; however his identity was formerly unknown and now he’s screaming it from the steps of the Pennsylvania Capitol building- his name is Randal Ray Robertson.

Initially sharing his story with ABC27 a couple months ago, it went viral and was shared on Facebook over 10,000 times. However, while his personal choice was made with a desire to self preserve, it was still an illegal choice.

Diagnosed with rare bile duct cancer last year, Randal, 56, first had a Whipple procedure (a complex operation to remove part of the pancreas, part of the small intestine and the gallbladder and most often used to treat pancreatic cancer that’s confined to the head of the pancreas) but the cancer still spread to his lungs and liver. After being given 9-11 months to live, he decided to use chemotherapy and a medical marijuana oil that he made in his kitchen (he also vaped the medicine to get it into his lungs).

He’s convinced he wouldn’t be alive today had it not been for the marijuana.
Amazing news from the article:

“Our last scan about two months ago was fantastic,” Robertson said. “All the tumors in my lungs were gone and all the tumors in my liver had shrunk or resolved, which is unheard of almost, I guess, in this particular disease.”

His most recent scans showed even more resolution, “the CAT scan looks great. There are no nodules in the lungs. Now, there are just a couple subcentimeter lesions on the liver. The rest of the liver looks great.”

Even though it was illegal the results were so amazing that the family decided they had to come forward. His wife Molly had this to say, “If you can’t eat, you can’t heal. If you can’t sleep, you can’t heal. If you can’t digest your food properly, you can’t heal. Pharmaceutical medications are designed to shut your system down, that’s what they do, marijuana does not do that.”

Currently, cannabis (marijuana) is listed as a Schedule I drug, with no accepted medical use, by The National Cancer Institute. What is interesting is that at the same time, the website also lists animal studies that show cannabis has slowed or stopped tumor growth, makes chemotherapy more effective, and increases cancer cell death without harming normal cells. Only in America, friends.

The family hopes that by speaking out, and asking Vice President Joe Biden- via Facebook- to help remove the Schedule I status, that they can help push Senate Bill 3 which would legalize medical marijuana in Pennsylvania. Our prayers and thoughts are with you!

Keep up the good fight Robertson family!

Click here to watch the story.

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By Erin Elizabeth via Health Nut News

Source: ABC 27