Monsanto would prefer if we forget all about their long and troubling history.
Monsanto's popularity is growing exponentially each year, but for bad reasons.
For those who don't know, in a 2013 poll Monsanto was declared the “most evil corporation” in the world. They even managed to beat out the private central federal reserve bank. Few people though, know how deeply corrupt and untrustworthy the organization is. To help bring you up to speed, here are 5 things they don't want you to know about them.
1. Monsanto’s Very First Product Was a Toxic Chemical Sweetener, AKA Saccharin
Monsanto was first created in 1901, and its alleged purpose was to sell a chemical called saccharin to the Coca-Cola mega corporation as an artificial sweetener. Despite knowledge that it was a dangerous carcinogen, and a lengthy legal battle with government officials who first had the product banned because it was dangerous (this was before Monsanto completely bought the government), Monsanto’s lawyers and government connections managed to over turn the law, which then opened the flood gates to massive amounts of corruption in the future to come.2. Monsanto Hid Evidence of Highly Toxic PCB’s
PCB’s have been linked to a wide range of health issues and dangers, and are carcinogenic. To give you an idea of how dangerous and persistent this product is, it can still be found in just about all animal and human blood and tissue samples from all around the globe, even though it was banned in 1979. Despite how toxic and dangerous PCB's are, Monsanto's own documents reveal that great lengths were taken to ensure that the public was uninformed and ignorant about the threat that PCB's posed. They paid scientists to manipulate data and news agencies to put out propaganda.
3. Monsanto Helped Develop the Atomic Bomb
The Manhattan Project was a secret project for development of the atomic bomb, the most lethal bomb ever used in the history of mankind. In 1943, Monsanto began working on a subsidiary research and development program of the Manhattan Project in Dayton, Ohio, called the Dayton Project. This project in particular was primarily focused on the cultivation of plutonium, a key ingredient in the destructive atomic bomb. This radioactive chemical ultimately gave rise to widespread radioactive pollution of testing sites, and the deaths of roughly 129,000 people at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Bear in mind this also kick started the most dangerous arms race in history. Today there are more than enough of these bombs to wipe out the whole planet!
4. Monsanto’s Agent Orange has DESTROYED Vietnam
During the inhumane Vietnam war, the United States military sprayed more than 72 million liters of toxic herbicides and defoliants on the civilian populations food crops. Most of this was Monsanto’s Agent Orange which devastated the local people and continues to this day. It is estimated a million Vietnamese people were exposed to this poison, along with roughly 100,000 American and allied troops. Despite claims that the company did not know about the toxicity of their product at the time, Dr. James Clary, a scientist who helped design the chemical spray tanks that were used to spray the toxic herbicide told Senator Tom Daschle in 1988:“When we initiated the herbicide program in the 1960s, we were aware of the potential for damage due to dioxin contamination in the herbicide… However, because the material was to be used on the ‘enemy,’ none of us were overly concerned. We never considered a scenario in which our own personnel would become contaminated with the herbicide.”As a result of the INEXCUSABLE behavior, babies in Vietnam today continue to be born with disturbing birth defects, which have thus ruined the lives of Vietnamese families, and many American veterans have suffered terribly as well.
5. Science Being Manipulated By Monsanto Claiming Aspartame to be Safe
G.D. Searle, LLC, a strategic partner of Monsanto, produced just over one hundred fake "scientific" studies claiming aspartame, a dangerous artificial sweetener, was safe despite evidence uncovered by FDA officials that it gave rats tumors and holes in their brains! Another legal battle was convened and, through their inside connections, Monsanto once again won the case.6. Monsanto Manipulating the Media
Monsanto was caught red handed manipulating the media and falsifying information about their milk product that they knew to be dangerous to health. Check out the video below;
Monsanto has a history of crimes against humanity, corruption, and deception. They control the overwhelming majority of the GMO seed market and food supply. It is fairly obvious why this is a very concerning situation. Additionally, the US government spends hundreds of millions of tax dollars every year funding the spraying of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, which is also proving to be toxic and causing devastation to the environment and our health. Monsanto's power has grown a great deal. They have many politicians working for them. Barack Obama has also proven himself (through his appointment of Monsanto minion Michael Taylor over the FDA) to be a puppet for the criminal corporation. Hilary Clinton is another one and that list extends much much further. Yet despite their best efforts, the people are rising up and continuing to expose Monsanto for what they truly are; a threat to humanity and the Earth itself.
The power in the people is stronger than the people in power!
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