New Research Proves GM Corn Is Toxic To Cows

"Long-term testing of GM food and the pesticides they are designed to contain must be carried out and made public. This is now more essential than ever.”

French Professor and scientist Gilles-Eric Séralini is well known for his original study showing that rats fed GMOs contracted tumors after the standard 90-day testing period, and he’s continued to publish new papers showing harmful effects.

His original study was retracted due to controversial appointments to the medical journal including one Biotechnology advocate who was given a newly created position, but then later republished in another peer-reviewed journal before yet another peer-reviewed paper posited that he may have been right after all.

The latest study from Séralini focused on German farmer Gottfried Glöckner, who began feeding his cows GM Bt176 maize in 1998. The farmer noticed several odd symptoms in his animals including: kidney and mucous membrane problems, partial paralysis, severe fatigue and even death in the case of 10% of the animals, according to this article from the website
The animals were analyzed and it was originally thought that traditional viral or other diseases were the culprit. But now, the new study is re-opening the case. The farmer was convinced that the Bt maize, which has pesticides within the plant that don’t wash off, was the reason his cows became so sick. He suffered legal setbacks afterward, however, the article continues.

Since then, Séralini has studied veterinary records and other data on the cows. An analysis of this data has been released for the first time; his research group CRIIGEN announced in a press release that: “New scientific data on Bt toxins and a thorough study of the records show that this GMO Bt maize is most probably toxic over the long term.

“This study reveals once again the urgent need for specific labelling of the identity and quantity of GMOs, especially in food and feed. Long-term testing of GM food and the pesticides they are designed to contain must be carried out and made public. This is now more essential than ever,” the press release continues.

For more on the paper and the warnings it presents, check out the GMWatch article by clicking here.

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By via March Against Monsanto