I suggested this to my aunt who was struggling with her weight loss efforts. She said she absolutely noticed a difference after she started using these techniques! She was so excited I just had to share it with all of you!
Acupressure is a medicinal technique that has been around for thousands of years. It has been used to treat a variety of health problems and relieve patients of the symptoms that came with them.
Although there are experts who dedicate their lives to performing acupressure on patients, it is not so complicated that the average person cannot learn the basics of it and reap it’s benefits as well.
According to Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D, there are certain “points” on the body that are sensitive to bioelectrical impulses. Stimulating these points with a certain amount of pressure, otherwise known as massaging, is said to trigger the release of endorphins, which are neurochemicals that are able to relieve pain, increase blood flow and promote healing.
Below we show you some of those points on the body and how applying pressure to them can help relieve a variety of health problems.
1. Face
According to the Yin-Yang House, a centre for information of Oriental medicine, this spot is the main acupoint for acute lower back pain and stimulating it will help reduce pain and increase mobility. It is also said to help awaken people who have fainted.
This point is located between the nose and the upper lip. In order to stimulate it, gently massage it for five minutes twice a day.
According to a study conducted on the effect acu-stimulation, stimulating this part of the arm was shown to enhance the function of the intestines. During the study, fifteen healthy male volunteers had their gastric myoeletrical activity recorded.
According to the study, after having this acupoint on the arm stimulated, the male volunteers had increased gastric myoelectrical activity in the intestines.
You can stimulate this part of your arm by gently massaging it.
This point right below the knee is is used to perform the Zu San Li technique and is very commonly used in acupressure. According to Miriam Lee, one of the pioneering acupuncturists in the United States, this acupoint assists in digestion. It helps increase the body’s ability to absorb food by increasing the production of gastric acid.
Depending on which knee you are going to apply acupressure on, cover that knee with the palm of your opposite hand (i.e. cover your right knee with your left palm). On the last digit of your pinky and ring finger there is a tiny dent halfway between the tip of your finger and the major indentation that causes the last digit to begin. This is the location of the Zu San Li.
Massage the point clockwise nine times on each leg for around ten minutes.
Do not be worried if you feel a mild discomfort or pain during the massage, this indicates that you are doing the massage properly.
4. Еar
Massaging a certain point on your ear has been shown to help reduce anxiety and lower cortisol levels and your heart rate.
According to a study conducted by the International Journal of Nursing Studies, a group of women who were showing symptoms of anxiety due to postpartum recovery benefited from acupressure.
The group of women received acupressure on the shenmen acupoint twice a day (9 a.m. and 5 p.m.). According to the study, the women who received this acupressure therapy had reduced cortisol levels, lowered heart rate, less fatigue and reduced anxiety.
The shenmen acupoint is found in the centre of the upper portion of the ear. Massage this point gently and apply continuous pressure on the ear using your thumb for three minutes. Repeat this two to three times a day.
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By Family Life Goals
Michael Reed Gach: http://www.acupressure.com/articles/how_acupressure_works.htm
Face: https://theory.yinyanghouse.com/acupuncturepoints/gv26
Arm: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12749278
Leg: http://www.itmonline.org/arts/zusanli.htm
International Journal of Nursing Studies (ear): http://www.journalofnursingstudies.com/article/S0020-7489(15)00307-7/abstract
Shenmen acupoint (ear): http://www.acupressure.com/blog/index.php/ear-point-shen-men-for-wellness-counteracts-pain-addiction/