When you think of the most dangerous creatures on Earth, you generally imagine them with massive claws, razor-sharp teeth, and maybe even glowing eyes. But in the wild world of nature, danger wears different disguises, and some don’t make themselves known until it’s too late.
One man in the Brazil was walking along the shore collecting shells when he saw something strange. At first he thought he was looking at some litter left by another beach-goer, maybe a plastic bag. Still unsure, he leaned down to examine his find. Then it started moving…
This is the weird sea creature a man recently found on a beach in Olivenca, Bahia, Brazil.
But what was this bizarre creature?
It was actually what’s known as a ‘Portuguese man-of-war’, known for its incredibly painful sting which can be fatal.
The man-of-war is actually not a jellyfish, but rather a siphonophores, which are single creatures made up of many smaller creatures, just like a coral reef.
Their tentacles can be up to 165 feet in length. That’s longer than a blue whale.
Most fatalities caused by their sting are due to panicked swimmers drowning as they try to make it back to shore. But you can survive their painful sting if you don’t panic.
t gets its name from the gas-filled bubble that makes up its top layer. When fully inflated it looks like a Portuguese war vessel.
Though they live in the ocean, these things can’t actually swim. They travel in groups relying on the wind and the current to help them drift.
As dangerous as they are, they’re actually weirdly beautiful, too. Take a look up close.
What amazing creatures! There’s really no limit to nature’s imagination is there? I’ll have to keep an eye out next time I’m at the beach.
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