5-Ingredient Pineapple Ginger Drink Can Reverse Cancer-Causing Inflammation & Even Beat The Common Cold!

This is one of my go-to recipes when I'm beginning to feel under the weather. I make it fresh and drink it right away - works like a charm!

I came across a beautiful juice combination the other day and it’s a powerful one too. Pineapple turmeric ginger juice. Not only does it fight cancer, it heals inflammation and does wonders to help revitalize and rejuvenate the body.

Turmeric is an ancient spice and amazing herb that has been used for centuries as a medicine, condiment, and flavouring. It is one of the strongest naturally occurring antioxidants and anti-inflammatories in the plant-food world today.

This wonder herb has been found to actually help with pancreatic cancer, and liver cancer, both considered terminal diseases. The active ingredient, curcumin, helps stop tumour growth at all stages of cancer.

Not only turmeric, but pineapple and ginger are great anti-inflammatories and relieve pain in pain-related illnesses like arthritis, fibromyalgia and gout.

Revitalize your body and infuse the cells in your body with this incredible juice!

Ingredients: (serves 1)

– 2 cups ripe pineapple
– 1 large cucumber
– 3 inches fresh turmeric root
– 2 inches fresh ginger root
– 1 lemon, peeled


Run all of the above ingredients through a juicer and enjoy immediately to preserve nutrients. Otherwise, seal in a glass jar and leave in the fridge. Consume the day of.

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By via Live Love Fruit