35 Cynical Collages That Tell Uncomfortable Truths About The World

This artist creates controversial collages to examine the “craziness of the modern world.”

When the news bums you out too many days in a row, it’s time to make art. That’s what Joe Webbart is doing to help make sense of the “craziness of the modern world.”
The artist shared with Bored Panda that he makes collages from newspapers, mixing up one image with another (all which are usually sourced from the same magazine), to examine the contrast which exists on planet Earth.
He says:
“All of my images are hand-made, without the use of computers. I find the images in newspapers, magazines given on trains, buses and bins. 

My collages work to a basic rule of sourcing just two or three images. With these I can reinvent the original scene to communicate a new idea.
I suppose I’ve become fairly anti-technology. Although I now promote my art on websites, own an iPhone and use Facebook. It’s confusing, I wish I had been born 100 years ago.”
Each collage is incredibly thought-provoking, to say the least.

1) Thirst II

Credit: joewebbart.com

2) Covering The Cracks

Credit: joewebbart.com

3) Camping

Credit: joewebbart.com

4) Cat Walk

Credit: joewebbart.com

5) Park Life

Credit: joewebbart.com

6) Thirst

Credit: joewebbart.com

7) International Response

Credit: joewebbart.com

8) Mixed Up

Credit: joewebbart.com

9) Arctic Tan

Credit: joewebbart.com

10) Distractions II

Credit: joewebbart.com

11) Atomic Tan

Credit: joewebbart.com

12) Tear Gass

Credit: joewebbart.com

13) Meat

Credit: joewebbart.com

14) Thirst III

Credit: joewebbart.com

15) Gucci

Credit: joewebbart.com

16) On A Platter

Credit: joewebbart.com

17) Entertaining The Troops

Credit: joewebbart.com

18) Jaws

Credit: joewebbart.com

19) Real Estate

Credit: joewebbart.com

20) Home Sweet Home II

Credit: joewebbart.com

21) Treadmill

Credit: joewebbart.com

22) Thirst

Credit: joewebbart.com

23) Fireworks

Credit: joewebbart.com

24) On The Beach

Credit: joewebbart.com

25) Harvest V

Credit: joewebbart.com

26) Seaside

Credit: joewebbart.com

27) Home Sweet Home III

Credit: joewebbart.com

28) Tune In

Credit: joewebbart.com

29) Freeze

Credit: joewebbart.com

30) Distractions

Credit: joewebbart.com

31) Life’s A Beach II

Credit: joewebbart.com

32) Advertisement Feature

Credit: joewebbart.com

33) Home Sweet Home

Credit: joewebbart.com

34) Life’s A Beach

Credit: joewebbart.com

35) Cloud Eaters

Credit: joewebbart.com
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