We all know the world is becoming more polluted each second of everyday, that’s no surprise, but are you truly aware of just how bad things have gotten?
The time of keeping our heads in the sand is over. Ignorance is no longer an option. We have already reached the tipping point as a species.
How is it that humans are the only animal on this planet that don’t seem to grasp the importance of living WITH nature instead of working against it?
There is a lot that needs to be changed about our society, and that change largely comes from us. We ARE society. Every time you use money to pay for something you are voting to keep that thing in existence. Every time you vote for a candidate that puts business over environmental health, you are voting for more destruction.
Some people think overpopulation is the issue, it’s not. The issue is allowing corporations and governments (redundant?) to rape the land for profit. We have the technology and the ability to live sustainable lives, but it starts with us all.
Share these images with everyone you know in hopes that people really start to reflect on what sort of world we want to leave behind to our children.
We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.
Surfing in Trash: Java, Indonesia (World’s Most Populated Island)
National Willamette forest, Oregon (USA), 99% deforested
Yellow River in Mongolia is So Polluted it’s Hard to Breathe the Air Surrounding it
Ken River oil field, California (USA) – exploited since 1899
BP Oil Spill, Gulf of Mexico
Bangladesh Land Fill
Indonesian Deforestation for Palm Plantations
Amazonian Jungle Set on Fire for ‘Repurposing’: Brazil
Biggest Excavator in the World: Tagebau Hambach Coal Mine (Germany)
Landfill in Ghana. Our used electronics usually end up in third-world countries.
Albatross Filled with Plastic: Midway Islands (North Pacific)
Tar Sands: Alberta, Canada
World’s Largest Diamond Mine: Russia
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