Our souls are so much more than the sum of all other aspects of ourselves. Let that statement sink in. Our soul is more than the totality of our minds, hearts, chakras, energies and thoughts. It will always be like this as well. Inherent to your soul is the potential for growth and connection to others. People have infinite possibilities and abilities in them.
With today day and age its hard for us to hear our inner voices. Multitasking is about to become an Olympic event, or so you would think the way everyone is constantly training for this eventuality. If you can’t take the time to listen to your soul right now, we have taken the privilege of passing along the general notes and desires of the soul.
Be Kinder
Your actions and intentions have far reaching effects. Your soul can sense the rippling effect more than you can mentally conceive. Every act of compassion and kindness will cascade through your community. Spread it around and help others deal with their situations. Your soul knows better than your other aspects of self that we are all in this together.
Stuff Won’t Make People Happy
Your soul doesn’t care about that fancy gadget or a flashy sports car. Don’t let society’s enticements make you lose focus on the needs of your soul. The happier you make your soul, the better positioned you’ll be to combat negativity in the other aspects of yourself.
You Need To Release The Past And Future
Holding on to past experiences and expectations of the future not only fatigue your mind but are damning to your soul. Stop procrastinating on this practice.
Value Your Perceptions More
Perception is reality. Develop and open your perceptions up every moment you can. If you have difficulty examining, isolating or communicating with aspects of your self, a poorly developed perception could be a major factor.
Life Is Hard And Tough
Life is hard, full of trials and obstacles. All suffering is an important part of growth and compassion. Every element of life can be turned into a productive and pleasant end. Your soul has the terms of the infinite in it, so don’t be afraid. Have faith that even if you can’t see the development of a solution in yourself, it only because you have so many possibilities locked away.
It’s Alright If You Don’t Succeed At Everything
Success is over rated. Donn’t be one of those people that when you are winning your ego flourishes. When you’re not doing ass hot then your ego suffers. Your soul’s opinion of your ego probably follows that is that it is like a spoiled child. We learn more in ‘failure’ than in ‘success’. Don’t let your ego make you feel any sort of crazy way. Your soul is simply happy that you are trying.
Don’t Waste Your Time Trying To Please Everyone
The same that is true of you is true of others. We are more than our egos. Don’t bring anymore attention to the egos of others than necessary. Even if making everyone happy was a productive goal (and it definitely isn’t), it could never be achieved within reasonable means.
Fear Is A Necessary and Pertinent Part of Life
‘Fear is the mind killer.’ This is an exaggeration, fear is what keeps our perceptions relative to our situations and desires. It is necessary to live a truly productive life. It keeps our ambitions in check. Like every emotion, it will come to pass. Fear has no truly truly long lasting harmful effects.
Be Impeccable With Your Word
Our words have a different influence than our actions or intentions but they are just as powerful. Don’t use the truth as a weapon to harm or check others. Don’t dissect it for anyone’s advantage. Speech is the second stage of intention before it becomes action. If you aren’t careful abusing your words will skew the results of what ever you are doing. Keep your speech clear and honest to ensure that there is room for your soul’s intentions to compete with the other aspects of yourself.
Blending Into the Crowd Isn’t Good For You
You are disrespecting your soul and your distinctive nature by attempting to fit in with the social ‘bell curve’. You will always succeed more thoroughly if you play to YOUR strengths and weakness.
Don’t Let Loss Stop You From Loving
Your heart is built to experience and create emotions. Don’t let its sometimes maddening range of feelings stop you from pursuing your goals. All emotions will fade and morph with time and awareness.
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