This Futuristic Floating Hotel Can Shape-Shift According to the Ocean Currents

Italian engineer has come up with a brilliant, innovative idea of a futuristic hotel which will float around the world!

People who love traveling and want to see the world have so many options: driving, backpacking, taking a cruise or flying to their destinations. But have you ever thought that all this might not be necessary in the future and all you will have to do is simply book a room in a hotel? Not an ordinary hotel, that’s for sure!

Italian engineer and architect Gianluca Santosuosso has come up with a brilliant, innovative idea of a futuristic hotel which will float around the world! Should this fascinating concept come to life, it will cause an enormous change to the cruise industry, and this is why: it might seem similar to a luxurious cruise ship, however, what makes this hotel special is the fact that it will have a spine that will be able to shapeshift according to the ocean currents, embracing them by changing its form according to them. It will be 1/2 mile long, 20 feet wide and it will draw power from the waves as well as solar energy in order to operate. The floating hotel will travel around the world, docking in several cities and offering its passengers a unique traveling experience.

The MORPHotel, as it is called, is designed by Nautical Design and Engineering firm. It will be able to adapt its shape according to the weather conditions and the site morphology. It was carefully designed in order to offer it residents new, exciting experiences! As they travel from one port to another, they will be able to discover unknown places while the MORPHotel will be moving at slow speed around the world. During this endless journey, there will be stops for short or long periods in certain locations, so that several people will be able to get on board and in each stop the inhabitants of the cities will have the opportunity to enjoy its multiple services (among others it will have a theatre, restaurants and a fitness center).

In addition, due to its unique design, MORPHotel can become a floating harbor generating an artificial bay where boats and ships can find shelter. Another important aspect if this amazing floating hotel is its self-sufficiency achieved by combining eco-friendly technologies. Energy will be stored using solar panels as well as the movement of waves. With this energy rainwater will be collected, filtered and stored, and sea water will be desalinated.

This brilliant concept has amazed everyone, especially travelers who would like to try something new and original. Undoubtedly, the cost of bringing this idea to reality would be immense! Let’s hope we will all be able to experience in the near future everything MORPHotel can offer!

Image source: Gianluca Santosuosso

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By Anna LeMind via The Mind Unleashed