Tesla's Model III Goes 200 Miles Per Charge And Costs $35,000

Tesla aims to make electric cars affordable and all over the road

"I think we're going to try to do something more radical," says Elon Musk, creator of Tesla Motors, whose charging stations will power your Tesla for free, forever.  This one, the Model III could be available in 2016, but more likely the middle or end of 2017.  It's 20% lighter than the Model S and much cheaper.

The $35,000 price tag slashes the $60,000+ price of the Model S.

This is what it may look like from behind

It will charge in just over 25 minutes and run 200 miles; Tesla's goal to build a cheap electric car is coming true at an accelerated pace

Tesla is attempting to focus attention on the Model S and the new Model X (Tesla's version of a minivan), because those are the ones you can buy now, but the Model III will be an undisputable game changer.

Here, Elon explains how electric, renewable energy will change the world in the near future

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By Minds.com

Image Credit: https://just9arrett.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/tesla-model-e-3.jpg