Soursop A Cancer Killer 10,000 Times Stronger Than Chemotherapy

Did you know?

Imagine if someone tells you they received a prescription drug against colon cancer from a specialist, and it says ” soursop extract.” Of course you would not believe it because the conventional medicine cannot be expected to occur. But, on the contrary, you should, since the study that was done in 1996 shows that one of the ingredients of soursop (Annonamuricata) is 10,000 times more effective than chemotherapy.

Research has been done on soursop seed where the fractionation obtained five ties of which one (cis-anomacin) had selectively cytotoxic effect on the cells of adenocarcinomas of the colon, and even is 10,000 times stronger than pharmaceutical medicine adriamycin.

Adriamycin is a market name of doxorubicin and is known by the nickname “red devil” because of the strong red and terrible side effects involving life-threatening or even fatal damage to the cardiovascular system. His lack of “selective cytotoxicity” (the ability to destroy only cancer cells and not healthy) is what makes the adriamicin so dangerous. However, it is the first choice for the treatment of various cancers for nearly half a century.

Only a few researches on the effectiveness and impact of the soursop carcinogenic disease were done since the ones in 1996. There is a study in 1999 that confirms the effectiveness of soursop leaves against prostate cancer. Another study in 2002 indicates the anti tumor activity in liver cancer, but none of these studies were as good as the one from 1996 year.

Then, a study published in 2011 revealed very promising research on the impact of soursop on breast cancer. Researchers learned that the extracts of the fruit of soursop suppresses expression of oncogene (cancer-causing genes) in cell and animal models of breast cancer. Oncogene receptor known as epidermal growth factor (EGFR) is usually excessively expressed in breast cancer, and enhanced expression is associated with poor prognosis and resistance to the drug, making it an ideal target for therapy development.

In this study, mice received 200 mg of soursop fruit extract, per kilogram of food within their diet, for five weeks. This treatment significantly reduced expression of proteins in breast cancer. Overall, this is a powerful fruit extract that can reduce the growth of tumor disease by 32%, which means you can have protective effects against EFRG in breast cancer.

The lack of research on animal or human models is great. We can only hope that in the near future researches like those will be done. Until then you can trust the power of nature which is already proven. For example, medicinal properties of this plant, which grows in South and Central America, are known for more than 3000 years. Traditionally, fruit, leaves, bark and roots are used as a sedative in folk medicine and indigenous South American healers use to treat liver, asthma, heart problems, arthritis and to eliminate the parasites.

Today soursop is used in Guyana as well. Here, the leaves are used as a sedative and as a tonic for the heart. Brazilians drink soursop tea to alleviate the problems with the liver. They also rub themselves with the oil from the seeds of the fruit to relieve arthritis and rheumatism. In Jamaica and the West Indies, the fruits of soursop are eaten in order to reduce fever and treat liquid stool.

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By Healthy Food Star