Only One Fruit Will Help You To Unclog And Clean Your Arteries

Only One Fruit Will Help You to Unclog And Clean Your Arteries

 A new study published in the journal Atherosclerosis confirms that pomegranate extract may prevent and/or reverse the primary pathology associated with cardiac mortality: the progressive thickening of the coronary arteries caused by the accumulation of fatty materials known as atherosclerosis. (source) Pomegranate was found to not only improve blood flow in the cardiovascular system of heart patients, but also helped to reduce inflammation and high blood pressure. Pomegranates aid in reducing excess triglycerides, which form as a result of a diet high in processed foods. Removing these excess triglycerides may help to ward off heart attacks and various heart problems.

11 Ways to Maximize Your Health With Pomegranates

  1. Pomegranate reduces body fat. According to a study (here) from the University of Edinburgh, pomegranates can help reduce visceral fat – the most dangerous kind of fat.
  2. Prevention of heart disease due to the high content of the antioxidants.
  3. Reduction of bad LDL cholesterol levels.
  4. Helping in reducing the plaque deposits in the arteries and prevent clotting of blood.
  5. The research (here) has showed that regular consumption of pomegranate is effective against prostate cancer, breast cancer,  diabetes, and lymphoma.
  6. The vitamin C  in pomegranate helps to fight any kind of infections.
  7. Possession of anti-inflammatory properties which can help in bringing the inflammation down.
  8. Pomegranate is also good for your teeth since it possesses antibacterial compounds which can be helpful in preventing dental plaque.
  9. Pomegranate regenerates liver.  Pomegranate juice is able to regenerate your liver after it has been damage.
  10. Pomegranate protects DNA.  Pomegranate contains  phytonutrients and antioxidants that interact with your DNA to protect it. (here)
  11. Pomegranates help protect Newborns. According to a study published in Pediatric Research,  drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy helps protect newborns’ brains during traumatic births.

How to Select

Choose large, firm and smooth-skinned pomegranate. A good quality pomegranate should have rich color, and has no cuts or blemishes.

How to store

Pomegranate can be stored at cool and dry place for up to one month. It can last for about two months if kept refrigerated.

How to prepare

Slice off the top. Score the skin in quarters and open it up. Then put each quarter underwater and use your fingers to ream the seeds from the inside. The seeds sink, and the white membrane floats. Pour off the membranes so the seeds remain.Besides eating the seeds raw, you can also use them as garnishes for salads and desserts.

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 By Anya V via Living Traditionally