Old Italian Folk Remedy Can Kill MRSA (Antibiotic Resistant Staph Infections). In A Single Dose!

Researchers interviewed elders in small villages in Italy who told of simply making a tea from the leaves, putting it on their skin and healing infections with no side effects. During these uncertain times, why not learn to make your own powerful natural antibiotic?

Quave did hundreds of interviews, especially in Italy, where Local people and healers  told them how they would make a tea from the leaves of the chestnut tree and wash their skin with it to treat skin infections and inflammations.


The research team extracted 94 chemicals from the leaves and found that ursene and oleanane where the most active chemicals against staph.

A single tiny dose of the extract, at 50 micrograms, cleared up MRSA skin lesions in lab mice, stopping tissue damage and red blood cell damage. The extract does not lose activity, or become resistant, even after two weeks of repeated exposure. And tests on human skin cells in a lab dish showed that the botanical extract does not harm the skin cells, or the normal skin micro-flora.


Here’s a great (very short video) that explains just how this amazing folk remedy works!

CONTINUE READING: Chestnut Leaf Extract Kills MRSA In A Single Dose!

If you would like to learn how to make your own herbal tinctures, here is an excellent video from MountainRoseHerbs:

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By Expand Your Consciousness

  1. Cassandra L. Quave, James T. Lyles, Jeffery S. Kavanaugh, Kate Nelson, Corey P. Parlet, Heidi A. Crosby, Kristopher P. Heilmann, Alexander R. Horswill. Castanea sativa (European Chestnut) Leaf Extracts Rich in Ursene and Oleanene Derivatives Block Staphylococcus aureus Virulence and Pathogenesis without Detectable Resistance. PLOS ONE, 2015; 10 (8): e0136486 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136486