“Magical Seeds” That Can Treat Colon Cancer! They Do Wonders Inside Our Body!

The majority of you have probably heard of them only recently, but chia seeds exist and have been used for several thousand years. Due to the fact that they are extremely valuable, they have been even used as a currency.

These seeds (Salvia Hispanica) are abundant in omega fats, proteins, antioxidants and dietary fiber. Their mild aroma is similar to the one from the walnut. These seeds can absorb fluids, so they are ideal for hydration and a prolonged feeling of fullness.

These tiny, but rich and beneficial seeds have enjoyed great respect by the Maya and Inca tribes. In fact, their name comes from the Mayan word “Chia” which means “strength.” Undoubtedly, these invaluable seeds provide a lot of strength and power as a result of their strong health properties.
Health benefits
Chia seeds are a rich source of healthy essential fatty acids. Interestingly, these amazing seeds contain eight times more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon!
They are also abundant in omega 6 fatty acids, antioxidants (one gram of Chia seeds is four times richer in antioxidants than fresh blueberries) and proteins which are extremely important for your health.
These miraculous seeds are rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants and contain dietary fiber and easily- digestible plant proteins. Consequently, they are excellent for skin regeneration and burning fat, provide body strength and have a positive effect on the digestive system. The chia seed includes 37% fiber, which triggers the intestinal operation.
Chia seeds can also promote hydration, and as they are abundant in proteins and fiber, they will leave a feeling of satiety that will last long.  Therefore, the consumption of chia seeds to reduce the appetite will also accelerate your metabolism, and will activate glycogen which is also very important in the fat- burning process.
Nutritionists claim that these seeds are perfect if you feel exhausted and with no energy, since they affect the muscle function and release the energy in your body. Due to these properties of chia seeds, they are often consumed by athletes.
Furthermore, studies have shown that strict regimes or diets based on the consumption of chia seeds provide excellent results in the case of colon cancer, and prevention of cancer.
Also, according to research, if you consume chia seeds, you will positively affect the health of hair and nails, due to the fact that they are a great source of protein (20%).
Incorporating chia seeds in your regular diet
In order to enjoy in their numerous benefits, you need to consume these healthy seeds as often as possible. Hence, you can add them to your healthy meals and snacks.
You can add them during the preparation of your favorite pies and pastries, or instead of breadcrumbs in the preparation of some meals with chicken and fish. Chia seeds can also be an addition to your risotto, Gino, amaranth or millet. However, note that you need to add them at the end of the cooking process.
In order to increase the intake of proteins, you can add chia seeds to your salads. If you are a dessert-fan, you can enjoy a nice delicious pudding with chia seeds.
You can also create and prepare your own mix: For instance, add the seeds in coconut or almond milk, and spice it up with something according to your choice, blueberries, walnuts, raspberry, cranberry, crushed almonds, cocoa, apple, rose hip, dried coconut and the like. Leave it in the fridge for 10 minutes, and then, enjoy your tasty healthy mix!
Remember, no matter how you decide to consume them, one thing is for sure: chia seeds can improve your health and enhance your well- being!

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