Illegal Cancer-Causing Chemicals Found In Nearly 100 Shampoo Brands

Know what's in your products! Read labels and find safe alternatives! What's a couple more dollars to ensure you stay healthy! What goes on your skin and scalp only takes 26 seconds to enter your bloodstream!

You probably thought that the worst thing your shampoo could do to you is to burn your eyes, but it turns out that your shampoo could be deadly. The Center for Environmental Health based in Oakland, California, performed a study on shampoos and soaps and found that 98 included a possible carcinogen known as cocamide diethanolamine (cocamide DEA).

Cocamide Diethanolamine (cocamide DEA), a controversial ingredient found in body care items, has landed four personal care manufacturers with a lawsuit in California.

The Center for Environmental Health filed the suit after discovering the presence of cocamide DEA, the foam stabilizer and volumizer, in shampoos and soaps. In the state of California, Proposition 65 requires manufacturers to warn consumers over the risks of certain substances. Cocamide DEA is on that list because it is a suspected carcinogen. It was banned in the state last year after a study found it caused cancer in laboratory animals.

Some of the products that contain high levels of the illegal chemical are sold under well-known companies such as Colgate Palmolive, Paul Mitchell, and Prell. Lab tests also found the carcinogen in children’s products, such as a store brand bubble bath from KMart, and a shampoo/conditioner from Babies R Us. Other store brand products that contain the carcinogen came from Trader Joe’s, Walmart, and Kohl’s.

Unfortunately, manufacturers can put any toxic chemical they want into shampoos because  the FDA allows all sorts of chemicals to be used in these products, including chemicals that are known carcinogens and that contribute to liver failure and nervous system disorders. How’s that for protecting public health?

You can find a full list of all 98 suspect shampoos here.


Easy Homemade Natural Shampoo


1/2 cup coconut milk
2/3 cup Castile soap
10-15 drops essential oil of your choice
2 teaspoons almond oil or olive oil
Mix together all the ingredients in the bottle and shake thoroughly. Just give it a shake before you use.

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By Anya V via Living Traditionally

source: Grist