Germany’s Top Newspaper Says: Anti-GMO Activists Targeted By U.S. Government

Not surprisingly, this is ignored by the mainstream media in the U.S.

To the uninformed observer (read: someone who gets their information solely from the mainstream media) genetically engineered foods and seeds are often seen as not too big of a deal.

But to many within the U.S. government, Monsanto and GMOs are a high priority item, as revealed by a Wikileaks report that said that the U.S. pushed GMOs abroad and even planned to retaliate against countries that did not accept them.

Recently it was also revealed that the government is also retaliating against U.S. activists and scientists, with Monsanto, the U.S. military and the United States government coming together to both track and disrupt the work of anti-GMO activists and independent scientists. The 2013 report comes courtesy of the website Sustainable Pulse which cited an investigative piece from the largest daily newspaper in Germany.

The news was of course ignored by the mainstream media in the United States, which does not tell the full story when it comes to Monsanto and genetically engineered foods, even when mainstream sources abroad break major stories such as these.

The report from Sustainable Pulse cited the German paper Süddeutsche Zeitung and its report titled “The Sinister Monsanto Group: ‘Agent Orange’ to Genetically Modified Corn.” It detailed how a “new-fangled cyber war” is being waged against activists and scientists by Monsanto supporters and former employees. These Monsanto allies, dubbed “operationally powerful assistants,” have even taken top posts in the U.S. administration and the CIA according to the report.

Joseph Cofer Black, a former secret service agent, reportedly uses Monsanto contacts and is a “specialist on dirty work,” the report said, with a history of anti-terrorism operations. He also is a former vice president of the infamous security company once known as Blackwater.

Attacks by hackers on independent GMO science sites, web pages where studies are published and other sites were uncovered by the newspaper. Australian scientist Judy Carman in particular was targeted. The paper also studied IP log files showing that various U.S. organizations including the military regularly visit such sites.

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By Nick Meyer via March Against Monsanto

For more on the investigation you can read the Sustainable Pulse article by clicking here.
Nick Meyer writes for March Against Monsanto and the website