CBS Morning Show Runs Heavily Biased Segment On GMOs (Watch Here)

CBS Sunday Morning aired a special on GMOs, but many have serious issues with the heavily biased content in favor of biotech..

As far as the national polls go, there is virtually no debate on GMO labeling in the United States – they routinely show a landslide victory in favor of mandatory GMO labeling.

But as the clock ticks down to America’s first such labeling bill taking effect in July 2016 (in the state of Vermont), pro-Biotech forces, government officials, and perhaps even the mainstream media are all taking it upon themselves to change the narrative and stop the progress of the food transparency and clean food movements.

On Sunday, January 17, CBS Sunday Morning aired a special on GMOs and labeling, but many are taking issue with the content and its heavily biased nature toward the pro-GMO side: 

The story was clearly pro-GMO and omitted the following: that three states have passed (mandatory) GMO labeling laws, glyphosate has been designated as a probable human carcinogen by the WHO, 64 countries already label GMOs, Campbell’s just agreed to label GMOs and (roughly; oftentimes the percentage is higher) 90% of Americans (see link above) want GMOs labeled, just to name a few” wrote Barbara E. Thomas in one Facebook group dedicated to GMO related issues. 
Thomas is hoping that others view the episode and voice their concerns to CBS management. 
Upon watching the segment, which can be viewed below, it was revealed that these important facts were indeed left out of the episode. 

People are also taking issue with the following points, or lack thereof: 

-The insinuation that kids are starving due to a lack of GMO foods despite the fact that a recent UN report said that small-scale organic farming is the way to feed the world (and hunger is something that persists even in the United States including Iowa which is awash in GMO corn

-That Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant’s assertion that he supports GMO labeling, of an unwanted voluntary variety, was not challenged by the host or even addressed, which is odd since citizens want mandatory labeling, a right afforded to over 60 countries worldwide. “Voluntary labeling” is being pushed for by pro-Biotech interests through the DARK Act, not the people. 

-An overall adherence to GMO industry talking points such as Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s misleading point that we’ve been “genetically modifying food for thousands of years.” The segment mentioned that genetic engineering is inherently different yet did not say anything about the actual process of GMO seeds being created and manipulated in a laboratory.

-Repeating the pro-GMO myth that golden rice is necessary to save kids from malnutrition as if it were fact. 

-Mentioning pro-GMO science endorsements without mentioning any of the multitudes of scientific studies raising concerns about the crops in terms of environment and the health of humans and animals; and also that there is “no scientific consensus on GMOs” according to hundreds of established scientists worldwide 

-Failing to mention anything about the ongoing problem of glyphosate-resistant “superweeds” and pests

-Failing to say anything about GMO cross-contamination or the huge costs organic farmers are forced to endure to prevent it

-Not mentioning the persistent government favoritism and revolving door of Monsanto and government officials (the crops originally gained approval thanks to this special promise from then-VP George Bush Sr.)

You can watch the video from CBS (by clicking on the picture below) to draw your own conclusions, but these are just a few points to keep in mind as to why so many people are taking issue with the segment.


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 By Nick Meyer via March Against Monsanto

If you’d like to leave a message about the program, you can do so on the CBS Sunday Morning Facebook page here or call them at 212-975-3247; executive producer Rand Morrison’s email is