2-Ingredient Mixture To EFFECTIVELY Eliminate Earwax & Ear Infections

My son's ears seem to always be filled with earwax. I try to avoid using cotton swabs to protect his eardrums, so we found the remedy in this article SO helpful and effective. I hope you find it as helpful as our family did

Ear-cleanliness is one of the most overlooked aspects of everyday hygiene, mainly because people don’t notice build up of earwax until its too late. Since it has been that revealed that Q-tips are not meant to be used as ear cleaners, we must find other solutions to clean the wax out of our ear drums.

There are many over-the-counter solutions to clean your ears that can be purchased in pharmacies, but we’re showing you an effective homemade remedy which provides far better results.

Our remedy is completely natural and consists of white vinegar and rubbing alcohol.


Rubbing alcohol has been proven to eradicate 85% of aerobic bacterial contamination that it comes in contact with, making it an excellent disinfectant and cleaner.

White vinegar is a powerful antibiotic and antimicrobial which effectively fights infection.

The combination of white vinegar and rubbing alcohol fights infections, dries the ear, breaks down earwax and does not cause any pain or discomfort when poured into the ear.

It is recommended in cases of mild to moderate ear infection or wax build up. However, if you experience more serious problems, consult your doctor.

Earwax and Ear Infections Home Remedy Recipe

As we previously mentioned, for the preparation of this remedy you will need white vinegar and rubbing alcohol.

Mix 1 part rubbing alcohol and 1 part white vinegar. Take a teaspoon (5 milliliters) of the mixture and pour it into one ear by tilting your head to the opposite side. Stay in that position for 1 minute. After the minute has passed, allow the mixture to run out of the ear by sitting upright. Now do the same things for your other ear.

Repeat the procedure two times a day to clear out trapped water, earwax and treat an ear infection.
Note — In case you do not feel improvements in three days, please see your doctor! If you have perforated your eardrum, you should take pain relief!

This impressive home remedy has proved its benefits to many people, and we recommend you to try it in order to get rid of your earache or ear infection in a very short time.

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By Family Life Goals


Q-tips: http://commonhealth.wbur.org/2012/11/q-tips-ears-danger
Rubbing alcohol: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2994051/